Wednesday 13 August 2014

The Defining Qualities Of The White Hot & Indispensable

Post written by Peter G. James Sinclair.

Do you roll out of bed each day or do you leap?

Someone who has a purpose, has a plan, has a dream and has a destiny will jump into each day with an enthusiasm that is contagious like a raging bushfire.

Why not share that same fire with a friend or a member of your own family? Help them in the pursuit of their own hot button.

Unveil Your Hot Button

But what is your hot button? What inspires you? What keeps you up at night? What are you dreaming about while you’re wide awake?

Have you discovered it yet?

Without finding your hot button, you could possibly die of frostbite – or send everyone around you to sleep. You and I were born to push our hot button. You were born to add value to our family, our friends and our world.

You weren’t born to be put on ice. You were born to be red hot, to be ablaze with a burning passion and a fiery desire to make a significant difference every single day that you live here on planet earth.
So what are my words to you today?

Make it your mission in life to discover your mission.

The Privilege Of Adding Value

You don’t need permission, for you have been given a commission to add value to every task that you undertake, every life that you touch, and every project you complete. 



Friday 1 August 2014

7 Simple (and Surprising) Tips to Help You Realize Your Dreams -By Lisa Esile

“Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.” ~Unknown

It’s tricky sometimes, isn’t it?

Trying to find our place on this planet.

Tapping into our inner desires.

1. Don’t think about “your path in life.”

A path is a track laid down to walk on. A path implies there’s only one way, a preconceived singular course. It implies that you can make a wrong decision.
Watch it! Don’t step off the path!

2. Forget everything your guidance counselor said.

Whatever we hanker for, this gives us the greatest joy. And it’s often not some grand thing—that’s our mind (ego) imposing society’s rules.

3. Ask this simple question.

When I was young, if you’d asked me what job I’d like, assuming I had all the skills necessary, I’d have thought it was a trick question. I thought everyone wanted this.

I wanted to be a writer and painter

Pay attention to your desires, even when—no, especially when—they seem ludicrous. Roll the idea around in the back of your mind. 
What life would you choose if you could wave a wand and have every skill that you needed?
No pressure. Just notice.

4. Stop worrying about how to get there—or if “there” is even a good idea.

 Human beings are wired for safety. This is why want our trajectory mapped out.

To get to where we really want to go, there is no pre-drawn map. The good news is that we don’t need one! All we need is the next step. And we always know this.

 Big changes come from a series of incremental decisions. Trust that there is a wise hand guiding you (because there is). Take notice of seemingly small inclinations.


5. Learn the difference between an inner desire and unhelpful mind talk.

 If you’re not sure, dip your toe in. See how it feels.

What if (after everything) we can’t feel the tug of our inner desires? Or, we’re uncertain about the next step?

Answer: Don’t worry

 Don’t worry, because the only way to get where we’re going is through uncertainty (and sometimes turmoil). Feeling discombobulated is part of it.

 Allow yourself to be in a state of confusion. It’s not always comfortable, but it’s perfectly normal.


7. Expect to feel afraid.

Making a lunge for what’s important to us is scary.

Always is.

you know what? The voice of derision you most need to watch out for is your own.