Monday 7 July 2014

There is an animal that is a mix of a shark and a ray.

What do you call the hybrid of a shark and ray fish? A Ray shark.

The ray shark also goes by other names including the bowmouth guitarfish or the mud skate, the sole member of the family Rhinidae. This hybrid is a strong swimmer that makes use of its tail fin to propel itself in water in shark-like style. But the irony here is that its chief predator is the tiger shark. Regardless of all the shark-like qualities, the ray fish is officially deemed a species of ray related to skates and guitar fishes.
You can find it in the deep tropical coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific region. It might lurk at depths of up to 90 m, but this has not made it invincible to artisanal and commercial fisheries. The fin is especially sought after, and this has led to this hybrid fish being placed on the list of endangered aquatic specie

The Nobel Prize was created by a man known as “The Merchant of Death.”

Alfred Nobel should have probably been awarded the Nobel Prize for formulating what is regarded by many to be the most prestigious honor in the world: the Nobel Prize.

The prize is way more than an award for being outstanding: it also honors those who have been brilliant for the common good. And prior to dedicating his funds towards searching for and rewarding the best and brightest on the globe, Alfred Nobel was an inventor. And guess what his most prominent invention was? Dynamite.
In 1888, there appeared an obituary of him with a headline that read; ‘The Merchant of Death is Dead’. However, a mistake had been done: Nobel had not yet kicked the bucket. But for some reason the faux-demise announcement bemused him, so much so that word has it that he decided to establish what we all know today as the Nobel Prize in order to protect his future reputation from obituary writers.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Ancient Chinese nobility committed suicide by eating a pound of salt.

You’ve all heard that too much salt – just like everything else that is not done in moderation – is harmful for your health. And you don’t need to be told that too much of it can be fatal. In actual sense, a person only need take a single gram of salt per kilogram of weight to lay themselves on their deathbed.

And in ancient China, this was a method employed by nobility to commit ritual suicide: a pound of salt would be enough to send them to meet their maker – for only they could afford such copious amounts of salt given its high price tag.
You need to find a balance since apparently, too little salt is also deadly for you. Your body needs salt and if you drink lots of water, what you are doing is flushing the salt from your system, thereby leading to fatal Hyponatremia. A woman going by the name Jennifer Strange did something, well, strange: she died for this same reason after she decided to enter into a rather strangely-named competition called ‘Hold your wee for a wii’.

There is a Nepali boy who plans on meditating forever.

He’s been called the reincarnation of Buddha by some, but Buddhism practitioners have denied these claims leveled against Ram Bahadur Bomjom, as he too hath done. However, he himself and practitioners of the faith consider him to have entered nirvana – another level of meditation that frees one from suffering, at least when they are in meditation.

The boy from Nepal commenced his meditation in a hollow tree back in May 16, 2005. About a year later, on March 16, 2006, he is said to have disappeared from the hollow tree, but some followers found him a week later. He explained that he had abandoned his meditation spot since large crowds couldn’t take his eyes off him and kept disturbing his peace. He later made his way to some other location, and he was found on his best behavior in Nepal on December 26, 2006. Come March 8,2007 and he switched spots again for the same reasons until he was found later on March 26 the same year in a ditch that resembled a bunker.
Ram Bahadur is still wandering with the aim of just finding a quiet spot to sit, meditate and remain in nirvana forever – if there’s a forever. Unfortunately, the masses can’t let him be!

Tuesday 1 July 2014

A young French boy faked his own kidnapping in order to avoid his dentist appointment!

The buzzing of dentist equipment strikes fear not only in children but adults alike. And you may be surprised to know the number of people who choose to live with the pain of cavities, tooth decay and what-not just because they fear an appointment with the gold ole dentist.

One kid, Nicolas Menez, from France took the ball game a whole new level though, scheming an elaborate plan to miss his big date with the tooth doctor. The 12-year-old boy from a small village in the French Alps was found by the local police whom he told he had been hiding from a kidnapper before the cops took him in for questioning.
The kid had a rather good story to tell. Said he was lured into the vehicle of a thirty-something year-old guy in the town of Bagnols, not too far away. He even went ahead to give a vivid description of a scarred kidnapper, the clothes he wore as well as the car used in the abduction. He said he was fortunate to escape after the kidnapper made a stop-over at St. Gervais.
Following his revelations, the police would proceed to conduct investigations into the case which took them an entire month to get into the bottom of. With several dead leads and going round in circles, they called in the little boy again and it was then that he admitted the whole tale was made up and he had done it to skip an appointment scheduled with his dentist.