Thursday 3 July 2014

There is a Nepali boy who plans on meditating forever.

He’s been called the reincarnation of Buddha by some, but Buddhism practitioners have denied these claims leveled against Ram Bahadur Bomjom, as he too hath done. However, he himself and practitioners of the faith consider him to have entered nirvana – another level of meditation that frees one from suffering, at least when they are in meditation.

The boy from Nepal commenced his meditation in a hollow tree back in May 16, 2005. About a year later, on March 16, 2006, he is said to have disappeared from the hollow tree, but some followers found him a week later. He explained that he had abandoned his meditation spot since large crowds couldn’t take his eyes off him and kept disturbing his peace. He later made his way to some other location, and he was found on his best behavior in Nepal on December 26, 2006. Come March 8,2007 and he switched spots again for the same reasons until he was found later on March 26 the same year in a ditch that resembled a bunker.
Ram Bahadur is still wandering with the aim of just finding a quiet spot to sit, meditate and remain in nirvana forever – if there’s a forever. Unfortunately, the masses can’t let him be!

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