Monday 7 July 2014

There is an animal that is a mix of a shark and a ray.

What do you call the hybrid of a shark and ray fish? A Ray shark.

The ray shark also goes by other names including the bowmouth guitarfish or the mud skate, the sole member of the family Rhinidae. This hybrid is a strong swimmer that makes use of its tail fin to propel itself in water in shark-like style. But the irony here is that its chief predator is the tiger shark. Regardless of all the shark-like qualities, the ray fish is officially deemed a species of ray related to skates and guitar fishes.
You can find it in the deep tropical coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific region. It might lurk at depths of up to 90 m, but this has not made it invincible to artisanal and commercial fisheries. The fin is especially sought after, and this has led to this hybrid fish being placed on the list of endangered aquatic specie

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