Friday 28 February 2014

Accept Your Imperfections, No Matter How Different You Feel

“I follow four dictates: face it, accept it, deal with it, then let it go.” ~Sheng Yen

I came away with profound hearing loss. Not quite deaf, but enough loss to have it impact on my daily functioning. 

It left me emotionally dead. I was really good at burying all the pain inside and trudging along every day. 

It was the biggest lesson of my life—my own perceived fears are far more powerful than anything else.

Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind About Yourself ...

“The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.” ~Sonya Friedman

 I’d had enough. I realized (somehow, for some reason) that I didn’t have to apologize for anything about myself. 

I wish I’d kept that rant because it was gold. I derided the nameless men who let me know without saying a word that I wasn’t good enough once they got a look at the full package. I called it exactly as I saw it, with all the vitriol I could manage.

For years I had assumed that everyone else saw me the way I saw myself: fat, unattractive, worthless. I know now just how deep my self-loathing went, and I wish I could go back and hug that old version of me.

absolutely you  have to ignore that fearful voice and start speaking and living your truth anyway. And as soon as you put yourself out there, your life will start to change. 

Thursday 27 February 2014

Life Isn’t a Race: Allow Yourself to Be Happy in the Present ..

“Happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.”  ~Chuang Tzu
I believe happiness is choosing to let go of those situations and people who do not suit us personally. It is living in the moment, rather than, in my case, living in fear that the moment is going to be over before I’m ready.

How Rrelationship Issues Can Lead to Growth (and Why It’s a Daily Process)

“When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.” 
Relationships are tough. Even more difficult is maintaining healthy boundaries within a relationship.

Relationships are tough but I’d rather say relationships are rewarding if we’re willing to look at our part and do the work. It’s a daily practice. And not just with a significant other


It's called mindset...

Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.
- Jewish Publication Society Bible

Spain has a 47-story skyscraper with no elevator in it.

 Did you know?

The building in question in Spain is called the InTempo, and it has been marred in controversy ever since construction began. Located in Benidorm, Spain, the InTempo was meant to be a striking symbol of prosperity amid the nation’s fiscal crunch and the tallest residential block in the EU.

So happened, the contractors forgot to include a working elevator in the 47-storey building. Who does that? The project has been dubbed ‘an incompetence of high stature’. Initial funding was done by the now extinct Caixa Galicia Bank who funded it to the tune of $122.8 million in 2005. From 2012, Sareb – Spain’s ‘bad bank’ created to consolidate the country’s toxic assets, took over.
The project reached 23 floors amid allegations that the bank stopped paying the builders who had to carry supplies all the way upstairs with no service elevator! The initial plan was to have 20 floors but with greed miring the whole project and everyone wanting a piece of the pie, it went all the way to 47. Turns out after all, the elevators were installed eventually, and latest news is that they now number 11 in total. However, since the original plan was to have a 20-storey building, the elevator system was not redesigned so there’s very little space for lifts and motor equipment.

Farting helps reduce high blood pressure.

Here’s something for the perpetual air polluters to base their arguments on…According to a fairly recent study (from 2012) by scientists at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, flatulence could help patients with high blood pressure.

The doctors established that hydrogen sulphide in a fart (the rotten-egg smell) is also produced by an enzyme in blood vessels where it makes them relax, thereby lowering blood pressure. Did you know how the toxic gas comes to be? It’s generated by bacteria living in your gut. It has been proven to control blood pressure in mice. Mice with higher levels of the gas happened to have lower BP as opposed to those with less – same case for humans, implying the higher the better, or in other words, the more toxic the fart, the lower chances you have of suffering from high blood pressure. So, go on, fart away…

Dogs have 13 blood types.

There are many dog blood types you’ll find listed, and they are as many as 13 blood types! However, just 6 are the most commonly recognized. Dogs are classified as either positive or negative for each dog erythrocyte antigen (DEA) which is basically a red blood cell in dogs.

The six common dog blood types in question are DEA-1.1, DEA-1.2, DEA-3, DEA-4, DEA-5 and DEA-7. Some blood types lead to more dangerous reactions in our canine friends than others with DEA-1.1 being the worst culprit. Those negative for DEA-1.1 as well as other blood types are said to be universal donors, and can donate to any other blood typed dog. The minority dog blood type is the same DEA-1.1 negative.
Majority of dogs are DEA-1.1 positive and can only donate safely to their DEA-1.1 positive counterparts. An incompatible transfusion (yes, they donate too) can lead to both clamping and destruction of the red cells. The reaction is normally immediate but might delay for up to four days.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Butterflies in your stomach are caused by a lack of blood

You probably are all familiar with that sensation in the stomach best described as ‘butterflies in the stomach’. That is the result of your body’s response to stress – yes, even when someone you have feelings for happens to be near you.

When individuals are stressed, they experience what is called a fight-or-flight response. Brain signals are transmitted to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus – the parts of the brain tasked with controlling bodily functions. The pituitary gland then alerts the adrenal glands which rest above each kidney. The adrenals release adrenaline and other chemicals into your bloodstream.
It’s the adrenaline that causes increased blood pressure, a rapid heart rate and improved circulation of muscle to enable you deal with or take off from the source of your stress. With blood flowing to your muscles and lungs, not much of it is reaching the other organs – the stomach included. And it is this that causes the butterflies in the stomach.

A religious group in India eats their dead!

The Aghori Babas group if India see nothing big in it though. This is a Hindu sect that primarily resides in India. The Aghori people are known for their extreme nonconformities to the typical Hindu religious and social norms. Even the mainstream Indian population finds it grotesque and condemns the activity.

But what makes these people partake such a ritual? One of their primary beliefs hinges around the fact that spiritual enlightenment can only be realized when one is able to vanquish his/her fear of death. As such, when a member of their group passes away, the Aghori Babas will be awaiting them in open arms – ready to consume the corpse. Not only that, at times, the dead are set afloat the River Ganges in India.
This cannibalistic group will fish them out and feast on them like it was the most normal thing. Another source of dead bodies is the cremation grounds. The corpses may be consumed raw or cooked over open flame.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Life Pro Fitness @BestProFitness

Effective Home workouts


"A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - 

pills or stairs."
--Joan Welsh

A Lesson in Self Awareness.

What’s Growing

Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness. ~ James Thurber

Your Complimentary Seed: SEED OF GRATITUDE

Don’t compare yourself to any another person, or compare this time to any another time. You and this moment are a perfect match, engaged in a fateful love affair. You are the right person in the right place at the right time. Give thanks today for who and where you are. It is PERFECT for NOW.
Say to yourself: I am who I am, and all that I need to be.

Telling People About Jesus: It's What CBN Partners Do

In addition to preaching the Gospel around the world, CBN partners also provide:
Food relief to America's poor
Medical treatment
Wells and cisterns
Disaster relief here in America and worldwide
Food, shelter, medical help, job training and more to children at risk through Orphan's Promise

7 Lies We Believe As Pastors + Free eBook: "Preaching to the Unconvinced"


7 Lies We Believe As Pastors

Ron Edmondson: "I always loved and supported the pastor, but looking back, I wish I had been an even better pastor’s friend."

Free eBook: Preaching to the Unconvinced, by Vince Antonucci

Download and share this free eBook with your teaching team.

A young programmer offered a homeless man the choice between $100 cash AND lessons in computer programming...

This led him to make a rather unheard of offer to a homeless stranger who was living on the streets of New York City. McConlogue approached the Leo Grand, 37, in August 2013 and told him he had an offer for him: either take $100 or if interested, he could teach him computer programming skills for two months. The homeless man turned out to be a wise one and opted for computer programming.
He did take his lessons seriously, for he has now launched his first mobile app dubbed ‘Trees for Cars’. The app offers simple, environmentally factored carpool solutions to the user. The duo first started meeting for an hour each day with the lessons being conducted outdoors near Chelsea Piers where Grand usually slept. He was even furnished with a used Chromebook personal laptop in addition to several coding text books.
The 2 months McConlogue had offered surpassed and he carried on since he now had the support of his boss John Katzman (founder of Princeton Review) who allowed them to work full time on the mobile app and also gave them access to the New York offices of Noodle (the search engine company). Where’s there’s a will, there’s a will: the learning lasted 5 months and now Leo Grand enjoys the fruit of his labor with the project winning thousands of enthusiasts and it’s already available for Apple and Android users.

It took the inventor of the Rubik’s Cube a whole month to solve it!

The Rubik cube is named after its inventor, Erno Rubik. Rubik was an architect and sculptor, and his free time was spent working as a professor at the Academy of Applied Art and Design in Budapest designing puzzles that would make his students take a new perspective with regard to 3-D geometry.

What we know today as the Rubik puzzle – saw its first prototype designed on Rubik’s 30th birthday. This challenge was not an easy affair even for its inventor. He spent a whole month trying to solve it and he found it, not to be a nuisance or challenge that many think of it, but rather a fascinating, fun yet frustrating activity.
It was then that he passed it on to others to try it out and the sentiment was the same. And Rubik soon came to the realization that he had made an amazing invention that would keep mankind engaged.

When he went deaf, Beethoven hacked the legs off his piano and wrote music by feeling the vibrations!

Did you know?

Aged just 28, Ludwig van Beethoven suffered a musician’s worst nightmare: losing his sense of hearing. This was even before he could write his very first symphony. He tried every possible treatment there was but unfortunately, he failed to find one. The last decade of his life Beethoven didn’t hear anything.
This did not deter him though, and he decided that his loss of hearing would not keep him from composing great music. Given that he couldn’t enjoy his tunes, he decided he would use a different sense to experience it.

He slashed short the legs off his piano so that he could play it sitting on the ground and tell between different sounds based on the vibrations they made on the floor. Some say that genius Beethoven knew his music so well that he probably heard it in his head.

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.” ― Walt Whitman

Trampoline bridge


  Paris bridge design is "dedicated to the joyful release from gravity"

Believe And Create

Instead of always going to "criticism" as your way of helping people ... try encouragement, understanding and love. (Because even "constructive" criticism isn't always as "constructive" as you think it is!)

The 10 Commandments of the Old Testament may have come from the Egyptian Book of the Dead!

It is said the fabled 10 Commandments of the Old Testament were written on a pair of stone tablets by God at around 1490 BCE. Whoever dished them out, however, may have consulted the Egyptian Book of the Dead. This is a book that contains the ancient Egyptian funerary text that was practiced around 1550 BCE. Believe it or not, Chapter 125 contains all the 10 Commandments.

Flowers grow faster when they’re listening to music.

True story, try it. The subject continues to invite divided opinion on whether playing music to plants can actually benefit them. Evidence thus far suggests that plants do indeed respond in growth after being exposed to voice and music. That’s right – you should think of chatting up your lovely flowers.

Korean scientists who played Beethoven music to crop fields not so long ago discovered a gene in plants that allows them to hear following this sort of treatment. What this means is the genes detect and are activated at specific frequencies. The scientists hold the view that this procedure can control anything from flowering to growth rates. Not all music is a growth stimulant though. So, what type of music is healthy for your flowers? Classical music and soothing hits such as jazz, R&B and some laid-back music do the trick.

11:11 Awakening Code
Allow it in...

President Lyndon Johnson loved to intimidate people by holding meetings on the toilet—and that’s just the beginning

Lyndon Baines Johnson had a dream. His dream was to become the greatest president that ever breathed. He may have introduced many positive political changes, but what he is probably remembered well for is the Vietnam War, not to mention his blinding arrogance.

Johnson would go to great lengths to achieve this by leaning over people and belching, swearing, spitting or laughing in their faces. At one time, he took a piss on a secret serviceman who shielded him from the public glare. Horrified, the President told the man: ‘That’s alright son, it’s my prerogative’.

The average male spends 43 minutes a day staring at 10 different women.

The wandering eyes of men…According to a 2009 survey by Kodak Lens Vision Centers, the average male wastes almost an entire hour – 43 minutes to be exact – eyeballing up to 10 different women every day of his life.

Supermarkets were identified as the #1 ogling venue, and next up was bars and night clubs. Almost half of the men interviewed admitted their eyes were instantly drawn to a woman’s figure, with almost the same number of women first attracted to a man’s eyes.

Monday 24 February 2014

Art for Africa - KenyanVibe


One Day Africa will Unite for A common Goal ...

Dream of a United States of Africa 

Nelson Mandela I am prepared to die- the greatest speech ever ..

Nelson Mandela - April 20, 1964
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1 Thessalonians 4:7 

For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness.

Psalm 46:10 

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

Matthew 26:28 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

Number Our days

Chopard Official

Don’t you think a tonneau-shaped watch is an absolute must-have for watch enthusiasts? Discover the XP Tonneau

Shower of Blessings!

Power of Positivity



This beautifully sculpted bicycle is made from 100% wood!

Believe And Create

Don't be afraid to let something go. If it's meant to be in your life, it will come back to you. If it doesn't, it means it was never really yours to begin with.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. -Derek Curtis Bok (born March 22, 1930)

Sunday 23 February 2014

Saatchi Gallery

Check out this new flexible paper sculpture by Li Hongbo, currently on view at Klein Sun Gallery in New York.

Saatchi Gallery

Check out Austrian artist Klemens Torggler's Evolution Door, which  opens and closes at the slightest touch, folding in on itself like pieces of paper.

Friday 21 February 2014


But the Lord said to me,
“My grace (kindness) is enough for you.
When you are weak, then my power is
made perfect in you.” So I am very happy to
boast about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s
power can live in me.

Life Makeover's

“To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.”
― T.F. Hodge