Thursday 27 February 2014

Spain has a 47-story skyscraper with no elevator in it.

 Did you know?

The building in question in Spain is called the InTempo, and it has been marred in controversy ever since construction began. Located in Benidorm, Spain, the InTempo was meant to be a striking symbol of prosperity amid the nation’s fiscal crunch and the tallest residential block in the EU.

So happened, the contractors forgot to include a working elevator in the 47-storey building. Who does that? The project has been dubbed ‘an incompetence of high stature’. Initial funding was done by the now extinct Caixa Galicia Bank who funded it to the tune of $122.8 million in 2005. From 2012, Sareb – Spain’s ‘bad bank’ created to consolidate the country’s toxic assets, took over.
The project reached 23 floors amid allegations that the bank stopped paying the builders who had to carry supplies all the way upstairs with no service elevator! The initial plan was to have 20 floors but with greed miring the whole project and everyone wanting a piece of the pie, it went all the way to 47. Turns out after all, the elevators were installed eventually, and latest news is that they now number 11 in total. However, since the original plan was to have a 20-storey building, the elevator system was not redesigned so there’s very little space for lifts and motor equipment.

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