Friday 28 February 2014

Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind About Yourself ...

“The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.” ~Sonya Friedman

 I’d had enough. I realized (somehow, for some reason) that I didn’t have to apologize for anything about myself. 

I wish I’d kept that rant because it was gold. I derided the nameless men who let me know without saying a word that I wasn’t good enough once they got a look at the full package. I called it exactly as I saw it, with all the vitriol I could manage.

For years I had assumed that everyone else saw me the way I saw myself: fat, unattractive, worthless. I know now just how deep my self-loathing went, and I wish I could go back and hug that old version of me.

absolutely you  have to ignore that fearful voice and start speaking and living your truth anyway. And as soon as you put yourself out there, your life will start to change. 

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