Tuesday 25 February 2014

When he went deaf, Beethoven hacked the legs off his piano and wrote music by feeling the vibrations!

Did you know?

Aged just 28, Ludwig van Beethoven suffered a musician’s worst nightmare: losing his sense of hearing. This was even before he could write his very first symphony. He tried every possible treatment there was but unfortunately, he failed to find one. The last decade of his life Beethoven didn’t hear anything.
This did not deter him though, and he decided that his loss of hearing would not keep him from composing great music. Given that he couldn’t enjoy his tunes, he decided he would use a different sense to experience it.

He slashed short the legs off his piano so that he could play it sitting on the ground and tell between different sounds based on the vibrations they made on the floor. Some say that genius Beethoven knew his music so well that he probably heard it in his head.

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