Friday 6 June 2014

3 Tips to Get Out of Your Head and Start Expressing Yourself...

“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” 

~Bruce Lee

I have always been timid when it comes to expressing myself, speaking my mind, and standing up for something. This stems from being raised in a culture where showing emotions is frowned upon.

Nothing I ever did seemed good enough. There was constant criticism that I could do better, and be better. I was raised to never to talk back to my seniors and not to say anything when I had nothing nice to say.

So, I’ve always played it safe and stood by the sideline, and I never wanted to rock the boat. And sometimes, when I’ve felt like saying something, I’ve wondered if people would even care.

my inner voice grew stronger and stronger, and it wanted to come out and express itself.

 Stop bottling up your thoughts and start expressing yourself without care.

I’ve learned to nurture my voice and not spend so much time crafting my message and worrying about what others think.

These are the three philosophies that have helped me get out of my head, let go, and start expressing myself.

1. The only person you need to impress is you.

Yes, it’s scary to put yourself out there to have people judge you. But if you know who you are and what you stand for, does it matter what others think, when you know your truth and what it means to you?

 The truth is, if you are comfortable in your own skin, what others think of you probably won’t bother you that much. After all, you will always have people who will be for you or against you, so why not stand for something and just be you? What’s the worst thing that could happen?


2. Stand for something.

This is important. It allows you to let your personality shine. It is also the foundation of your values, which help shapes your identity, allowing people to connect with you, enabling you to surround yourself with like-minded people for support.

 Remember, no man is an island, as John Donne wrote. We, as human beings, need to interact with another and need each other to find fulfillment in our lives. So stand for something to build your world of lovers and ‘haters,’ instead of having no supporters or challengers to help you grow.


3. Let go of the outcome.

Sometimes we say things or do things because we want to get a certain reaction or action out of people. However, keeping in mind we have no control over anything in life (except for our actions and our responses), why not speak your truth? 

“Say what you wanna say, and let the words fall out. I wanna see you be brave.” ~Sara Bareilles, Brave 






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