Thursday 5 June 2014

Avoid the Pain of Emotional Eating and Transform Your Mood...

“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” 

 ~William Londen

In essence, interconnectedness refers to the linkages between all things. Some even take it a step further and say that not only is everything linked, but in actuality, there are no real distinctions between you and me; between thought and behavior; or between past, present, and future.

On the surface, the concept of interconnectedness seems simple—every thing is linked to everything else and every one is linked to everyone else. However, in practice, applying the concept of interconnectedness to the way I live has been anything but simple.

After much contemplation, I came to the conclusion that if I were going to truly live interconnectedness (and not just think or read about it), I would need to fully grasp the fact that my thoughts, actions (or inactions), and outcomes were fundamentally intertwined.
This not only impacted the ways I engaged with others, but also shaped the ways in which I engaged with myself, particularly with respect to what, when, and how I eat.

Set a Mood of Joy By Creating a Nourishment Ritual


Now, when I’m sad, angry, or stressed, I stop. I stop, I note what I am feeling, and then I think about what role I have played—either through my actions or through my appraisals of the situation—in whatever has led me to feeling negative. I remember that I am interconnected with whatever it seems like on the surface is causing my negative mood.

 Importantly, just as I help to create my own sadness, anger, or stress, I can also transform my sadness, anger, or stress into my joy.;1878933;;Avoid%20the%20Pain%20of%20Emotional%20Eating%20and%20Transform%20Your%20Mood;4772275


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