Monday 2 June 2014

The Real Reason Some People Always Seem to Push Your Buttons

“Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.” ~Buddha

 I always felt invisible whenever my husband and I got together with a certain couple.

For the longest time I couldn’t figure out why this self-absorbed behavior bothered me so much.

You see, my biggest negative childhood trauma was feeling invisible and unworthy of my father’s love. So anytime someone—like this couple—ignores me and I feel invisible, the little girl inside me feels pain.

You may have people that trigger the young vulnerable parts of you, leading you to feel unloved, unworthy, and invisible.

This little girl that is frozen in time in my psyche felt worthless and not enough.

Antidepressants and therapy took the edge off of my depression and anxiety, but they didn’t heal the source of the hurt.

The young parts of you that hold negative emotions of shame, guilt, rejection, abandonment, and unworthiness need the love and reassurance from you that they never got when they first experienced negative events.

 The little girl now understands what happened and she’s able to believe that she is worthy, enough, and lovable because I told her she was. She is no longer frozen in time and has come into the present with me where she resides in my heart.

 Who pushes your buttons? What is the gift they are giving you to help you identify your most painful wounds?

 This re-parenting technique that resulted in unconditionally loving myself has positively and permanently shifted my happiness set point and boosted my self-esteem and confidence.

 Healing myself through this technique has allowed me to create a new narrative for my life story. I now believe the Universe purposely gave me negative experiences for the evolution of my soul.

 You too can figure out your life’s mission by healing your emotional scars first. Then you can figure out the new narrative that helps you make lemonade out of your lemons. As a result, you can live fully with joy and purpose before you die. 

When you heal the emotional scars that keep you unhappy, you can significantly improve your happiness set point and positively change the course of your life. 


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