Tuesday 3 June 2014

Why Fulfillment Comes from Being Yourself and How to Be Okay with That...

“To wish you are someone else is to waste the person you are.”  ~Sven Goran Eriksson

The super-successful people are doing exactly the same things as the not so successful people.

I’ve been on a merry-go-round of trying to be someone or something that everyone will like. But I know that not everyone will like everything, so I’ve set myself an impossible task.

I also know that self-love and acceptance is the key to everything I want. Not just success, but to be happy with who I am—at last.

 Everyone is trying to belong.

 I want to understand how I can offer something to the world, make a difference, be liked by the people I meet and, ultimately, belong. Just like those super successful people, but not them—just myself.
 We are on fast-forward compared to people who don’t take much notice of developing themselves. So every few months we become a different person, who is the same person, with a lot more knowledge and different way of looking at the world.

 Next time you look at someone successful or beautiful or passionate and you have those inspired feelings of “Maybe I could be like that too?” always remember that, yes, you can do what they do, but you can never be like them.

By not being you, you won’t be on purpose, you won’t be sharing your gift, you won’t be changing those lives. This makes me dig deep and get real with myself, because someone is relying on me to be me!

You don’t have to know who you are to be who you are; just do what makes you feel alive, live how you want to live, and don’t let the constraints of other people’s stories hinder you in any way.
Today, and every day, I’m choosing to be myself. And I’m getting better at it.


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