Wednesday 30 April 2014

Stop Over-Depending on Others: Cut the Puppet Strings and Be Real

“Some people think it’s holding tight that makes one strong, but sometimes, it’s letting go.” ~Unknown


There’s a sense of being a little out of control of your life, powerful emotions pulling you in different directions, a nagging sense of worry that never lets up, and losing your grip on that sense of who you are and what’s important to you. That’s my least favorite part—the loss of identity.


“A lie keeps growing and growing until it’s as plain as the nose on your face.” 


 ~The Blue Fairy, Pinocchio 

What is Over-Dependency? 

Let’s start out with this: dependency is not a weakness. It’s actually healthy, as long as you can keep it balanced with independence.

We all need to be taken care of, validated, encouraged, and given support. When we can receive these things from others and use them to nurture our spirits, this is healthy dependency.

This is called interdependence, and it’s a beautiful ebb and flow in relationships of both giving and being able to receive. As social as we human beings are, this is pretty necessary for our survival. The instincts for it run deep in our nature.

 Over-dependency is when you find yourself struggling to return to emotional independence when needed. For me, this involves a lot of worry and obsessing over what someone else thinks of me


Where Does It Come From?

This varies for different people. Maybe it was the way you were parented, or being bullied in school. How about becoming a teenager and suddenly feeling the cultural pressure to be a model/genius/super-star? Maybe it was being treated badly in a romantic relationship.

 My victim mentality followed me into other areas of life, and it has taken great courage and a lot of practice to learn how to take it off and let my self-worth stand on its own again.    

Ways to Ease Back into Interdependence

1. Let your conscience be your guide.

Listen to the small voice inside you. It’s our warning for when things are becoming unhealthy. Be aware of yourself and how you start to act and feel when you’re wrapped up in pleasing others. Think honestly about how you’ve been caring for yourself lately.

2. Get some distance.

Try spending some time with yourself to see if it clears your head. It’s also a good way to mentally check your relationships. The healthy people in your life will give you space when you need it, then be glad to see you return.

3. Give yourself love.

Others aren’t the only ones who can fulfill your need for love. In fact, if you don’t love yourself, you might have a hard time accepting or feeling like you deserve their love.

4. Give others love.

Strangely, over-dependency becomes highly self-focused. I’ve found the easiest and warmest way to slip back into the ebb and flow of interdependence is to give in small ways to other people around me, without expecting anything back.;702616;;Stop%20Over-Depending%20on%20Others:%20Cut%20the%20Puppet%20Strings%20and%20Be%20Real;4755221 


Release Your Anger by Choosing to Lose

“Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on.” ~Alice Miller

 I’d like to share the mindfulness tricks that I used that day to recover from this short burst of insanity. I hope they inspire those among you who unleash the dogs of anger a little too quickly, like me.

  • Ground yourself.

When angry, stop whatever you’re doing and fully open up to your sensations. Give yourself a minute to experience the physical buzz of anger—shaking hands, cold sweat, racing heart. Breathe deeply and bring your awareness down to each part of your body.


  • Watch the Mental firework.

Anger is a red comet leaving a trail of resentful thoughts. It often stirs up your own habitual rumination, and it’s easy to let it carry you away. Just remember that mental agitation is totally harmless as long as you don’t follow it.

  • Offer a little Compassion.

The Buddha said that compassion is the best antidote against anger, but ideally you want to verify that claim for yourself. Your own experience will speak louder than a teaching given centuries ago.

To put it simply: slip your feet in the other person’s shoes and imagine how it feels to be in their position. It’s probably the best way to dissolve hard feelings.

  • Win by losing

Actually, anger intensifies when you try to dominate it. Your attempts at fighting aversion will strengthen it, so let it be.;702616;;Release%20Your%20Anger%20by%20Choosing%20to%20Lose;4755221 




Monday 28 April 2014

Finding Contentment in the Rhythms of an Everyday Life

“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.” 

~Paulo Coelho

In acknowledging that feeling of lack, of discontent, and of happiness that comes and goes, I am inviting that peace to return to the rhythm.   

It will undoubtedly still be a rhythm of trial, of melancholy, and of immeasurable joy, because that is what being human is about. It is about celebrating the mountaintops and accepting the valleys and their shadows.
Joy and peace remain present even when they seem buried beneath wanting, discontent and overwhelming schedules.;559776;;Finding%20Contentment%20in%20the%20Rhythms%20of%20an%20Everyday%20Life;4754729

How to Find Your Path When Life Suddenly Changes

“Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s a light shining somewhere nearby.” 

~Ruth E. Renkel
  • Everyone deals with life changes. 

We might get laid off during employee appreciation week, hear our romantic partner proclaim out-of-the-blue that he or she is leaving us, or be diagnosed with a disease we thought happened to “other people.”

  • Human existence can be described as a continuous stream of changes.

When life suddenly changes, it’s a normal reaction to feel confused and disoriented.

  • The fog might take a while to dissipate. 

When we go through a challenge, we might not see what options are available to us for days, weeks, months, and even years. Sometimes the uncertainty, or the anger, or the pain seems to last forever.

  • We can choose to keep moving even if clarity hasn’t arrived yet.

Even when everything seems confusing and scary, happiness is still within reach.

  • Clarity arrives gradually.

Once we reach clarity, everything makes sense.

All the pieces of the puzzle fall into place to tell us that there was a meaning in what happened to us

The road to clarity and purpose was arduous and longer than I expected. When I thought I had reached my final destination, another change or another challenge would pop up.

By engaging in activities that added meaning to my life, I connected with my purpose, and now this purpose is as clear as a cloudless sky: I intend to help people realize their magnificence. Clarity allowed me to regain control of my destiny.;559776;;How%20to%20Find%20Your%20Path%20When%20Life%20Suddenly%20Changes;4754729

Friday 25 April 2014

According to doctors you can really die from a broken heart syndrome.....

Some of those stories you heard or read about in a novel along the lines of, ‘unable to cope with the grief, she finally died of a broken heart…’, are so much true.

Scientists have proven that an abrupt shock caused by either good or bad news can generate a fatal reaction in the human heart. This is a condition called Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and involves a provisional weakening of the heart muscle. This weakening is as a result of a strong emotional commotion such as the exposure to constant stress, demise of a loved one or a bad breakup, hence the name ‘broken heart syndrome’.
Let the name not mislead you into believing so, however. You don’t have to experience a heart break to suffer from the broken heart syndrome. Unexpected good news such as winning the lottery could result to a state of emotional stress that your body undergoes as a result of a very strong adrenaline surge that could lead to a cardiac arrest.

Indian businessman swallowed 12 bars of gold, lied to surgeons it was a bottle cap!

 Do you know ?

It’s amazing the things money can make us do. A 63-year-old businessman from India swallowed 12 gold bars the size of small biscuits in yet unclear circumstances. The man began complaining of pain and vomiting before admitting to the doctors that he had accidentally swallowed a water bottle cap, but alas!

Pictures of an X-ray showed something that didn’t look like a bottle cap at all. Upon opening him up, the surgeons were shocked to discover 12 gold bars each weighing 33g and estimated to be worth $23,300 inside the man’s stomach.
Doctors say the gold bars would have led to severe bleeding had it stayed there for a few more days, and eventually ruptured the intestines and caused blood poisoning. The New Delhi businessman, thought to be a known patient at the hospital, seems to have landed himself in trouble after Indian custom officials confiscated the gold and began to question him. One of the largest consumers of gold, the second-most populous nation in the world had tightened the noose on gold importation after many incidences of smuggling. Import tax on gold has been increased three times in a bid to subdue demand for the metal.

A British man runs full marathons with a fridge on his back!

It’s no mean feat to run and complete a marathon, right? Well, a British man going by the name Tony Phoenix-Morrison and nicknamed ‘Tony The Fridge’ takes it even a mile further: the man, a year short of 50, runs the marathon with a refrigerator strapped to his back.

Morrison does this with the intention of capturing everyone’s attention so that he can raise extra funds for his charity projects. Quite an inventive way, don’t you think? He says he was looking for a real challenge and that he ended up with the fridge idea. And grab attention he did since the world was soon talking about the man who runs the marathon carrying a 92-pound fridge on his back.
In fact, Morrison appeared in the news in 17 different countries. He revealed that he has taken into running since he was a little boy since this is the one sure way to escape from his everyday problems. The refrigerator is a physical pain he admits, but he also adds that he had managed to raise lots of funds for the Bobby Robson Foundation which is spearheading a battle against cancer.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Winners vs losers


“Eyes can only capture objects that already seen in mind.
And mind can only see things that already written in heart.”

Peaceful mind

"Forgetting people who hurt you is your gift to them; forgiving people who hurt you is your gift to yourself. Always forgive others, not because they necessarily deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace of mind. "
~Melchor Lim 

The silent treatment can be considered a form of emotional abuse.

Emotional abuse is something those dishing it out and on the receiving end may not even be aware that it is happening.

It can turn out to be more harmful than physical abuse given that it undermines the humanity of someone. As we give something or someone the freedom to define who we are, it can turn out crippling all we are meant to be. There are no barriers to how emotional abuse can occur: between husband and wife, parent and child, amongst friends or relatives.
Silent treatment, aka ‘cold war’, is a tactic that doesn’t mind the rights and responsibilities of both parties involved in a disagreement, but instead, the blame is made to lie with the party receiving it. The giver ends up getting their way, and prolonged silent treatment could lead what behavioral psychologists say could be a sign of ongoing or future emotional abuse.

Green, not red or pink used to be a symbol of love and sexuality.

These days, the color we associate with passion and desire is red. However, this was not the case during the medieval times when green was the color associated with love and sexuality, and the base, natural desires of the human.

At the time, green represented the color of the serpent who led to the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. And for the troubadours (composers and performers of some form of poetry during the high Middle Ages), green was the color of love, with light-green clothing was reserved for unmarried young women.
Ever heard the saying that the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice? Dark-skinned women in Persian and Sudanese poetry used to be referred to as ‘green’ women, and were deemed as very erotic. In ancient China, whores used to go by the name ‘the family of the green lantern’, and the family of one would wear a green headscarf. How things change…

Thursday 17 April 2014

Rediscover The Beauty Of Life Instead of Just Getting By

“If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.” ~Daisaku Ikeda

As grown ups we’re allowed to do all the fun things we spent high school wishing we could do, and yet, we get caught up in jobs we hate, paying bills, sitting in traffic, and sometimes ‘just getting by.’

 When something stops serving you, it becomes so much harder to see the good from the downright terrible.

 I was earning good money. I had the job title. I was finally getting somewhere. And I didn’t even stop to acknowledge it because all I could see was that I still wasn’t happy.
  • It’s Time To Do More of What Makes Me (and You) Happy

  • I started to see what I loved again
  •  The power of needing to change allowed me to find ways of doing more of what made me happy.

Rediscover the Beauty of Life 

I’ve learned that the more we search for beauty of life, the more we invite it in.

  • We get caught up with the mundane, we focus on the negative, and we love joining in on a mutual whine-fest with others.

Find ways to bring the fun in and keep your eyes wide open for special moments or people that can make your life even more beautiful. Or, even better, take time to be grateful for what you’ve already got.
Try it out, see how you go, and then leave me a comment and tell me how it went!;177882;;Rediscover%20The%20Beauty%20Of%20Life%20Instead%20of%20Just%20Getting%20By;4749042

Tuesday 15 April 2014


I love NY city

Cities have sexes: London is a man, Paris a woman, and New York a well-adjusted transsexual. 

Angela Carter

Wisdom About Persistence...

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”

Monday 14 April 2014

Conscious Choices We Need to Make to Attract Healthy Relationships

“When you have a choice to make and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.” ~William James

  • I have been single for most of my life; sometimes it would seem by choice, and sometimes not.  

  • Over the years I have tried various forms of meeting people, including the “bar method,” online dating, and approaching random strangers in public places
  • Our thoughts influence our emotions, and our emotions affect the health of our body.

The Secret or simply attracting what you want. It is about consciousness, free will, and choices in this life.

1. Like attracts like.

2. Understand who you really are.

 For example: Drinking heavily or doing drugs aren’t healthy or genuine soul interests. So trying to meet people while drinking to excess at bars is not likely to lead to a healthy relationship.

3. Decide what you really want.

4. Know you are worthy, and love yourself.;169951;;Conscious%20Choices%20We%20Need%20to%20Make%20to%20Attract%20Healthy%20Relationships;4748089 




Live by Your Values and Everything Else Will Fall into Place

“Until you make peace with who you are, you will never be content with what you have.” ~Doris Mortman

I didn’t realize it at the time, but as soon as I started to question my life, I subconsciously communicated to the universe that I wanted—needed—to change things. 

So what wisdom can I pass on after my journey?

1. Your core values play a huge part in how you decide to live your life. 

2. Don’t live by someone else’s values. 

3. Once you start living by your values, life shifts in the most beautiful of ways.;169951;;Live%20by%20Your%20Values%20and%20Everything%20Else%20Will%20Fall%20into%20Place;4748089 

Friday 11 April 2014

Lesson from a Duck!

How can you accept yourself today? My best advice is in three small words: be a duck!

Let the judgment and criticism from others slide off your beak like water, swim how you want to swim, look goofy with your bum in the air, make silly sounds, do whatever makes you happy without caring what anyone else thinks, knowing you are wonderful exactly as you are right now.

You Have Nothing to Prove: Knowing You’re Good Enough

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anyone.” ~Maya Angelou
  • I admired them for their untroubled lives and yearned for what they had—the complete and total lack of care for what I thought of them.
  • I wanted to be someone who was noticed, praised, respected, and looked up to. I wanted to be special.

  • I never felt good enough. I hadn’t yet realized that I was so afraid of judgment from other people because I was constantly judging myself.

  • I knew in that moment that I would have to make a choice.

The ducks were simply themselves. They didn’t care that there was someone on the beach. They didn’t instantly attempt to straighten their feathers or worry about whether or not I liked how they were swimming. They were completely at ease. Free. 

How can you accept yourself today? My best advice is in three small words: be a duck!;2121230;;You%20Have%20Nothing%20to%20Prove:%20Knowing%20You%E2%80%99re%20Good%20Enough;4746214

Sharing Yourself Without Worrying About Being Accepted

“Happiness is really a deep harmonious inner satisfaction and approval.” ~Francis Wilshire

Most of us had no idea we were operating on a level of such fear

Awareness is the most effective tool for helping me shift from fear to love, from criticism to compassion, and from conditional to unconditional love.

“Acceptance comes as a result of sharing what’s in our hearts, regardless of the outcome.”

I was no longer trying to be perfect, but rather letting them see me exactly the way I was.

Our loved ones have the ability to show us our deepest, darkest corners of insecurity, self-judgments, and inner disapproval.;2121230;;Sharing%20Yourself%20Without%20Worrying%20About%20Being%20Accepted;4746214 

Wednesday 9 April 2014

You can actually smell fear because aromas bring back memories due to sense being more active when we are frightened

A scientific study from late 2013 suggests that people can indeed smell fear since our sensory cells learn to link certain aromas to it. This means that you can feel scared simply by smelling something despite the fact that the brain may not have registered the reason you should be scared.

A team of scientists from Rutgers University in New Jersey established that our sense of smell becomes more active when we’re scared. As such, the smell you happen to detect when you’re frightened is ingrained in your memory, and the fear will be evoked the next time you sense the same smell: smelling fear quite literally. Experts say this is due to the fact that the nerve tasked with transmitting messages from the nostrils to the brain, the olfactory nerve, is located right next to the areas associated with emotional memory.
This is the same rationale that conjures the memory of someone you knew, or know, whenever you smell a certain perfume, for instance. It’s a finding scientists believe could be used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder where attacks are often elicited by senses.

Scientists are using genetically modified HIV to fight cancer!

Cancer is a scourge that doctors are burning the midnight oil trying to develop an effective cure for, and they’re going out of their way to successfully rid the increasing masses suffering from the disease of this epidemic. A team of scientists at the University of Pennsylvania led by Dr. June has developed an unprecedented method to fight the disease.

It involves injecting the patient’s body with a genetically modified HIV virus that can get rid of cancer tumors without infecting one with the virus. At the time they conducted the initial tests, they managed to rid two patients of the malady, and weakened it in a third.
The trio was suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia, but they believe the same procedure could be adapted to cure other forms of cancer that include the fatal, hard to treat forms such as mesothelioma, pancreatic and ovarian cancer.
You can check out the source to see how the technique works.

“The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal.” ― Criss Jami

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Why We All Benefit When We Give Each Other the Freedom to Choose

“You must love in such a way that the other person feels free.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

 There are two things that I learned from these experiences.
  • Letting go gives people a choice

  • Choice means freedom.

 They say birds are a symbol of freedom. If you look at the sky and watch their flight, you will understand why. I’ve never seen a bird dragging another one around the sky.;5856403;;Why%20We%20All%20Benefit%20When%20We%20Give%20Each%20Other%20the%20Freedom%20to%20Choose;4745206 

Finding the Strength to Leave: Run Toward, Not Away

“You don’t need strength to let go of something. What you really need is understanding.” 

~Guy Finley 

 I couldn’t run away, but I could run toward.

You might find your strength to leave another situation—your job, a toxic friendship—by writing as well. It’s about finding clarity on what you want instead. Giving you something to go toward rather than run away from.

Monday 7 April 2014

3 Powerful Benefits of Accepting Yourself and Your Differences

“Live your life for you not for anyone else. Don’t let the fear of being judged, rejected or disliked stop you from being yourself.” 
 ~Sonya Parker
Our common culture is one that values acceptance from the group over self-acceptance. We base our self-worth on how we measure up against who.

I am a devoted life long learner, bibliophile, and polymath, and I happen to like self-education more than being stuck in a classroom.

Living a dream-driven life is not easy in many respects. It requires courage and devotion, with a lot of trial and error. 

The most important thing for someone who wants to devote their life to their passions is to accept themselves just as they are, right here and now

  • Empowerment occurs when we accept ourselves

  • Freedom occurs when we accept ourselves.

  • Happiness occurs when we accept ourselves.

Happiness can never be purchased and others can never designate it to us. It comes from within.;19443797;;3%20Powerful%20Benefits%20of%20Accepting%20Yourself%20and%20Your%20Differences;4743432

Accepting Yourself as an Introvert and Loving Your Inner Tortoise

“We can’t underestimate the value of silence. We need to create ourselves, need to spend time alone. If you don’t, you risk not knowing yourself and not realizing your dreams.” 


As introverts, today, it’s easy for us to get alienated from our own nature because of the extrovert bias in the culture at large. So, how do we reconnect with and start celebrating ourselves? It starts with self-awareness and living our own truths.

As opposed to extroverts who turn to other people to recharge and renew themselves, too much interaction saps our energy. Introverts turn inward and need quiet spaces to recharge. This is why we turn to nature, to prayer, to solitary hobbies.;19443797;;Accepting%20Yourself%20as%20an%20Introvert%20and%20Loving%20Your%20Inner%20Tortoise;4743432

Sunday 6 April 2014

It has been proven by science that your cat hates you because it finds you smelly and also tends to manipulate you to its own benefit.

Here’s another reason to hate domestic cats. There are those who find cats adorable and perfect companions. There are those others who are allergic to these felines, while some think they’re devilish what with the sounds they make at night. I go with the latter.

Scientists recently found out that cats dislike humans a lot. You may consider them as adorable pets but that’s not the view they have of you. Sorry cat lovers. Researchers in Tokyo found that the felines hate cuddling to the bone. You may think they love it but it actually stresses them out. When a cat brushes up against you, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a darling: the cat’s head is wired to think you’re its property (not the other way around) because it has marked you with its scent.
Other scientists from the University of Sussex, UK established that cats can intentionally manipulate humans. When they make that devilish cry that resembles a human baby’s, they’re at times trying to coerce the owner into giving them something (save for the time they’re mating in the dark). Cats also groom themselves not just to rid themselves of dirt, but human smell as well: they hate it when they reek human since they consider you to be dirty. And you still love them?

Each wedding guest is going to cost Kim and Kanye $125,000!

They say when you have the money, flaunt it! and this is exactly what G.O.O.D. Music head honcho Kanye West and his heartthrob Kim K are planning to do for their upcoming wedding.

With one of the most powerful celebrity couples about to wed, it is without doubt that news and rumors about the social event will keep emerging by the day. The latest word on the street is that Kimye intend to tie the knot in front of 200 guests next month. The location? – what other place befits this bride other than the City of Love itself – Paris.
Each invite cost almost $1000 to produce and every one of them was hand-delivered. A couture designer was behind the expensive invites and they feature a small photo album that enfolds the most romantic moments of Kim and Kanye’s relationship. However, this is nothing compared to the treatment the guests are going to receive.
Kim Kardashian would no doubt love her wedding to be memorable. As such, she and Kanye have arranged for a private jet to fly the guests from the US to Paris where they’ll stay at the Trianon Palace Hotel. Reports put the figure they’re going to spend on each guest at a whopping $125,000! You can be left guessing what the entire wedding will cost.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Think You're Too Old to Be An Entrepreneur? Think Again...

Using Our Passions While We Can And Never Giving Up

“Never underestimate the power of passion.” ~Eve Sawyer

  • You never know what is going to happen in the future, so don’t take things granted. Be thankful for people, activities, things, and experiences in your life. If you love somebody, tell them every day.

  • You don’t have to be religious or spiritual to think that everything has a reason. Just keep in mind that there is a lesson to be learned behind every single experience—and then choose to find it.

  • No matter how tough things get, never give up on your dreams. Remember, it can’t rain forever. After the rain there is sunshine, everything will be brighter, and you will be happy for having stayed the course.

  • Having a passion and living passionately is key to living happy and healthy life. So go find you passion. Use your passion. Live with passion.;252472;;Using%20Our%20Passions%20While%20We%20Can%20And%20Never%20Giving%20Up;4742403

Your Struggle Does Not Define You: 2 Steps to Start Breaking Free

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” ~Nido Qubein

Feeling down is not the same thing as moving backward. Depression isn’t regression. Your dis-ease is key to your transformation;252472;;Your%20Struggle%20Does%20Not%20Define%20You:%202%20Steps%20to%20Start%20Breaking%20Free;4742403 

Psychology View of Glass "Half Empty" or "Half Full' ....

Embrace Digital Technology...

Cure Your Curiosity...

just like a River

“A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself.” 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Getting More Out of Life When You Have Less Money

“The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money.” 

Poverty lines are a general measure of separating the classes, but they fail to feel emotions, see our genuine qualities, or tell the stories of our lives.

They quantify our income, encourage us to strive for more, but more of what? More money to engage in better opportunities? More cash to buy more stuff?

Numbers have a tendency to lose their meaning when they don’t add up—a well-paying job with no time for family is no better or worse than barely scraping by without savings, yet having no debt.

There are many lessons to be learned from being poor. If you have ever been on your last coin, or more than once, chances are good that you may have experienced an enlightened state of being.

Voluntarily choosing to live with less is quite different than being born into poverty, yet the paths overlap and intersect on so many levels.

we discovered the concepts of minimalism and simplicity.

It is possible to live well, well below the poverty line. Much of it depends on your state of mind, part of it comes from where you enter the phase of living with less; but wherever life takes you, lessons are waiting to be found:;95530;;Getting%20More%20Out%20of%20Life%20When%20You%20Have%20Less%20Money;4741920

How to Be Happier Without Really Trying

“Happiness is the absence of trying to strive for happiness.” ~Chuang Zi

The first thing I noticed was something obvious: life is a game to kids.

I was too concerned with “making this one life count” that I was jamming every minute of every day with some kind of activity, for fear of wasting a single minute

There’s the old saying about how kids smile 400 times a day, but by the time they reach adulthood they only smile 10 times a day. I think it’s true.

like meditation, everything can become an exercise in playfulness.;95530;;How%20to%20Be%20Happier%20Without%20Really%20Trying;4741920