Friday 11 April 2014

Sharing Yourself Without Worrying About Being Accepted

“Happiness is really a deep harmonious inner satisfaction and approval.” ~Francis Wilshire

Most of us had no idea we were operating on a level of such fear

Awareness is the most effective tool for helping me shift from fear to love, from criticism to compassion, and from conditional to unconditional love.

“Acceptance comes as a result of sharing what’s in our hearts, regardless of the outcome.”

I was no longer trying to be perfect, but rather letting them see me exactly the way I was.

Our loved ones have the ability to show us our deepest, darkest corners of insecurity, self-judgments, and inner disapproval.;2121230;;Sharing%20Yourself%20Without%20Worrying%20About%20Being%20Accepted;4746214 

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