Wednesday 9 April 2014

Scientists are using genetically modified HIV to fight cancer!

Cancer is a scourge that doctors are burning the midnight oil trying to develop an effective cure for, and they’re going out of their way to successfully rid the increasing masses suffering from the disease of this epidemic. A team of scientists at the University of Pennsylvania led by Dr. June has developed an unprecedented method to fight the disease.

It involves injecting the patient’s body with a genetically modified HIV virus that can get rid of cancer tumors without infecting one with the virus. At the time they conducted the initial tests, they managed to rid two patients of the malady, and weakened it in a third.
The trio was suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia, but they believe the same procedure could be adapted to cure other forms of cancer that include the fatal, hard to treat forms such as mesothelioma, pancreatic and ovarian cancer.
You can check out the source to see how the technique works.

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