Monday 14 April 2014

Conscious Choices We Need to Make to Attract Healthy Relationships

“When you have a choice to make and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.” ~William James

  • I have been single for most of my life; sometimes it would seem by choice, and sometimes not.  

  • Over the years I have tried various forms of meeting people, including the “bar method,” online dating, and approaching random strangers in public places
  • Our thoughts influence our emotions, and our emotions affect the health of our body.

The Secret or simply attracting what you want. It is about consciousness, free will, and choices in this life.

1. Like attracts like.

2. Understand who you really are.

 For example: Drinking heavily or doing drugs aren’t healthy or genuine soul interests. So trying to meet people while drinking to excess at bars is not likely to lead to a healthy relationship.

3. Decide what you really want.

4. Know you are worthy, and love yourself.;169951;;Conscious%20Choices%20We%20Need%20to%20Make%20to%20Attract%20Healthy%20Relationships;4748089 




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