Tuesday 1 April 2014

Getting More Out of Life When You Have Less Money

“The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money.” 

Poverty lines are a general measure of separating the classes, but they fail to feel emotions, see our genuine qualities, or tell the stories of our lives.

They quantify our income, encourage us to strive for more, but more of what? More money to engage in better opportunities? More cash to buy more stuff?

Numbers have a tendency to lose their meaning when they don’t add up—a well-paying job with no time for family is no better or worse than barely scraping by without savings, yet having no debt.

There are many lessons to be learned from being poor. If you have ever been on your last coin, or more than once, chances are good that you may have experienced an enlightened state of being.

Voluntarily choosing to live with less is quite different than being born into poverty, yet the paths overlap and intersect on so many levels.

we discovered the concepts of minimalism and simplicity.

It is possible to live well, well below the poverty line. Much of it depends on your state of mind, part of it comes from where you enter the phase of living with less; but wherever life takes you, lessons are waiting to be found:


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