Thursday 17 April 2014

Rediscover The Beauty Of Life Instead of Just Getting By

“If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.” ~Daisaku Ikeda

As grown ups we’re allowed to do all the fun things we spent high school wishing we could do, and yet, we get caught up in jobs we hate, paying bills, sitting in traffic, and sometimes ‘just getting by.’

 When something stops serving you, it becomes so much harder to see the good from the downright terrible.

 I was earning good money. I had the job title. I was finally getting somewhere. And I didn’t even stop to acknowledge it because all I could see was that I still wasn’t happy.
  • It’s Time To Do More of What Makes Me (and You) Happy

  • I started to see what I loved again
  •  The power of needing to change allowed me to find ways of doing more of what made me happy.

Rediscover the Beauty of Life 

I’ve learned that the more we search for beauty of life, the more we invite it in.

  • We get caught up with the mundane, we focus on the negative, and we love joining in on a mutual whine-fest with others.

Find ways to bring the fun in and keep your eyes wide open for special moments or people that can make your life even more beautiful. Or, even better, take time to be grateful for what you’ve already got.
Try it out, see how you go, and then leave me a comment and tell me how it went!;177882;;Rediscover%20The%20Beauty%20Of%20Life%20Instead%20of%20Just%20Getting%20By;4749042

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