Wednesday 28 May 2014

The Secret to Getting Along With Your Parents...

“My experience is that the teachers we need most are the people we’re living with right now.” ~Byron Katie

Nothing hurts like being misunderstood, and there is no place that this feeling runs rampant quite like it does with family.

 I used to think that people who had good relationships with their parents had perfect parents.

 People who get along with their parents have just as many family conflicts as anyone else. They just choose to accept those conflicts as part of life, and love their kin anyway. 

Finding Yourself Instead of Trying to Change Someone Else...

“If you can’t change the circumstances, change your perspective.” ~Unknown

I found myself dating someone addicted to drugs. I thought if he could just hang around someone sober, see how I found joy without being altered by substances, and to bask in my love, then he could stay sober.

In the midst of it, I did not see the control I wanted to have of him.

Pain is a Mirror Image

The pain I felt was a mirror to his pain. He felt shame and judged himself harshly for using, and I felt shame and judged myself harshly for not being where I thought I should be in my career and for the way I looked as I packed on the pounds of responsibility he never asked me to take.

Accept the Other, Accept Yourself

After the realization that I could be at peace by accepting who he was and his choices, I could finally accept my responsibility for our relationship and for bringing him into my life. I decided to love him for the being he was, and most importantly, to love myself.

 My relief was astounding. I started meditating daily and allowed myself to listen to my truth. I let go of the weight of trying to be his savior, and that translated into inches off of my body. It was like dense matter had seamlessly transformed into light.

 When I began to love myself, I empowered myself to make my preference choices. Since I knew I couldn’t change him, I figured out that it was my preference to no longer be around that environment. So I decided to leave it.

 I understood that his drug use was to obtain relief and to be soothed from his troubles, which is what we all try to do in different forms when we experience that contrast from where we are and where we want to be.

Getting to That Better Feeling Place


1. Realize that the only person you can change is yourself.

You can be a guide and an example, but ultimately change comes from within.

2. Accept the situation didn’t “just happen to you.”

When you accept responsibility for your part, thoughts, and reactions, you will be empowered to transform.

3. Accept the person for who they are and where they are.

You will be in the present moment and not putting blame for what happened yesterday and creating stories of what could happen in the future.

4. Pick one thing you love about yourself, and be in love with it.

Just start with one thing, whether it’s your generosity or your big toe. The more you love that, the more your love for yourself will expand

5. Connect with the feeling of relief.

Realize that underneath it all, the person is just trying to feel better, even though it might not be in a way of which you approve or you think is harmful.

6. Write down your dreams and preferences.

Focus on your inner world and what thoughts bring you to a place of joy. Decide how you choose to live.

7. Be consistent.

And after you make this a consistent practice, the situation must change—either the person will start moving to where you are or you will exit each other’s lives.;65398;;Finding%20Yourself%20Instead%20of%20Trying%20to%20Change%20Someone%20Else;4768972

Monday 26 May 2014

Finding Our Inner Child and Having More Fun in Life...

“A healthy attitude is contagious but dont wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.”

 ~Tom Stoppard

just the other day, I was at my daughter’s school to watch her participate in a spelling bee. As the kids came into the room, I took notice of their manner and their faces.

They looked excited, frightened, and some, decidedly uninterested. The teacher led them over to their area and promptly told them to sit on the floor, in two straight lines, and no talking please. They complied.
Some kids pushed at the others to “move over!” Some held their fingers to their lips, loudly shhhhhshing the others. Some opened their notebooks and began to draw or write. Some spoke quietly to the friend next door.
I smiled as I watched them; some caught my grin and smiled back. I wondered if adults would have fulfilled the teacher’s request so quickly and with relatively little complaint.

I pondered how many adults, after being told to sit on the floor, would have protested “I don’t want to sit on the floor,” or “the floor, are you kidding?!”

How many would have continued talking, ignoring anyone imploring them to quiet down? How many of them would have busied themselves instead of complaining, “This floor is hard, how long is this going to take anyway?!”

Where did our little kids go, I wondered? Where did that elated, excited, play the game because it’s fun, run in the rain, catch the drops on my tongue, ask all the questions I need to, hug my best friend and tell them I’m sad person go? Can it be I’ve grown up too much? Have all of us?
What would happen if the next time we do something well, we run around in circles and scream? What would happen if the next time we don’t understand something, we raise our hand, shake it mightily, and ask a question?

If the next time we’re sad, we grab a friend and sob into her shoulders? If the next time we sit next to someone we don’t know, we ask them what their favorite color is? What would happen if we danced any way we wanted?
So what am I going to do the next time? I hope I’ll be able to find the inner child I raised into an adult and give her a voice, an arm to wave, and a song to dance to.
But for now, I’m going to sit on the floor and color.

Why Self-Pity is Harmful and How to Let It Go....

“Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have—life itself.” 

~Walter Anderson

Some of us experience more adversity and painful events in our lives than others. We wonder why our difficulties don’t happen to the “bad” people out there instead of us. Unfortunately, life is not fair.

My Own Pity Party 


I was a hapless victim of love, and I played my part like Shakespeare had written it for me. I gave in completely to self-pity. I cried in public for the poor cashier at the grocery store. I wore my swollen eyes like a badge of honor.


Self-Pity is a Choice


When we fall into the depression of self-pity, we allow it to take control of our lives. We become completely self-absorbed. It is destructive to dwell on negative events and carry that bitterness and resentment forward. When we keep our focus on the hurt, we aren’t focused on taking control of our lives.



if we blame negative circumstances for our place in life, we are giving up responsibility and control.

Self-pity is a form of selfishness. It makes us less aware of the needs and suffering of others. Our own suffering is all we think or care about in our self-absorbed state.

very touching story

The Story of Tony Melendez

Tony Melendez was born with no arms and a clubfoot. Despite his misfortune, Tony chose to control his own life and happiness. He improved his circumstances as far as he could control them. He made positive choices and took responsibility for his own future.


 As stated in the biography page of his website, Tony is “a man who has spent his life putting personal confidence above his handicap.” How? By learning to play the guitar with his toes

He began his career in Los Angeles. Tony is a musician and voc
a list with several successful albums. He is also a composer, motivational speaker, and writer.

In 1987 Tony played for Pope John Paul II in Los Angeles. The Holy Father was so moved that he approached Tony on the stage and commissioned him “to give hope to all the people.”

Tony took the pope’s words to heart. Tony Melendez Ministries is a non-profit organization that helps people throughout the world, bringing them hope, compassion, scholarships, and other funding.

Tony Melendez and the Toe Jam Band have a busy tour schedule. There is no room for self-pity in Tony’s busy life because he does not focus on himself. He unselfishly gives to others he feels are less fortunate.
But don’t expect Tony to play at your pity party. He will give you an example to overcome self-pity and inspire you to achieve a wonderful life

You can choose to lift yourself up and enjoy life! You are in charge of your own happiness. It is your personal responsibility. 







Saturday 24 May 2014

How to Strengthen Relationships by Releasing Fear and Control...

“To cure jealousy is to see it for what it is: a dissatisfaction with self.” 

~Joan Didion

When I was a young man I had an issue with relationships. Looking back now, it is easy to see that I had low self-esteem, though I could not see it at the time. Because of my low self-image and my neediness, many relationships that could have had a decent chance went by the way side.



I developed a low-level anxiety about how much any girlfriend cared for me, which, in turn, became outright jealousy and resulted in controlling behavior.

I would worry that my girlfriend was going to leave me for another man and would then become aggressive, starting arguments. I would act out when she wanted to go out with her friends. If we went out together,

Of course, all of this behavior was about demanding, without explicitly saying it, that she demonstrated how much she loved me. This was because, despite all the evidence to the contrary, I believed she did not
 Ironically, the more she showed me she loved me, the less I believed her.

My Fear
I tried to control the fear that I was unlovable by controlling the person I loved. I even took to confronting men who I saw as a threat to us as couple.

I realized that I could not control my girlfriends and that trying to control them had the opposite effect.

Lastly, I realized that I needed to learn to love myself and stop expecting others to do something I wasn’t doing for myself.

We can choose to live in fear or not—that’s something we can control. And we can also control if we choose to be miserable or happy. I chose happy.


Letting Go of Yesterday and Using the Gift of the Present - By Aqilah Norazman ....

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.” ~Alice Morse Earle

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.” ~Alice Morse Earle

Did you make a mistake yesterday? Or did something bad happen to you a few weeks ago? Are you still dwelling on it, doing all you can to move on? Then this post is for you.
Why? Because I want you to know that you’re not alone.

just like you, my past wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns. No one in this world has a past that is sparkling clean and error-free. We’ve all made mistakes. That’s life. And that’s what makes us human.

 The clock ticks forward, and soon enough the mistake that you made a second ago is history. It might take days, months, or years to learn and address the consequences of the mistake, but every day forward is an opportunity to make things right.

The clock ticks forward, and soon enough the mistake that you made a second ago is history. It might take days, months, or years to learn and address the consequences of the mistake, but every day forward is an opportunity to make things right.

Worrying about it does not get you anywhere. Thinking about how to learn from the experience and make things better is a good start. But actually doing things to learn from the mistake is the fundamental part of really moving forward.

If you’re having a hard time letting go of yesterday and seizing today, remember:

Yesterday is History

Yesterday is history. It’s done. Record it into your history book and close it.

Tomorrow is a Mystery

Tomorrow is a mystery. It hasn’t happened yet, so don’t sweat the small things. Be kind to yourself; it has the power to make you happy


Today is a Gift

Today is a certain opportunity. You can use it to decide where you want to go in life. If you don’t love what you’re doing, use this opportunity to change something.


Friday 23 May 2014


“Those in whom the Spirit comes to live are God's new Temple. They are, individually and corporately, places where heaven and earth meet.”

N.T. Wright,
Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

Thursday 22 May 2014

Iran didn’t know their largest airport had a Star of David on its roof until Google Earth took a satellite picture of it!

Israel must have been reeling under hysterical laughter when the Star of David was emblazoned on one of Iran’s major landmarks – without their knowledge. After it was discovered on the roof of the Tehran Airport, Iranian officials are said to have been seething with rage. But it was the manner in which it was discovered that’s even, well, dumb: through a satellite image taken by Google Earth.

They who abhor the idea of Western things couldn’t even entrust their own who fly by day-in-day-out to spot the Zionist symbol. National leaders are said to have called for the immediate removal of the Star of David following its discovery on the main building of Iran Air.
The two countries embroiled in the act that was exposed in 2010 severed ties over thirty years ago, with reports by Arabic news outlet Al Arabiya noting that the building with the symbol was constructed in 1979 by none other than Israeli engineers.
The Israeli engineers were hired by the Iranian government that also scheduled flights between the two countries who don’t see eye-to-eye.

Diseases from dirty water kill more people than war each year.

Let it come as no surprise that an entire third of the population in the world does not have adequate access to safe drinking water and sanitation to meet their basic needs.

 world’s population stands a high risk of transmitting diseases such as cholera, arsenicosis, malaria, fluorosis and a host of other fatal illnesses. It may sound mind-boggling that a whopping 3 million people die prematurely every year as a result of water-borne diseases.
The cases are more prevalent in developing countries, with Southern Asia holding the record for most people who do not use improved sanitation facilities, which coupled with unclean water, are the second largest cause of death in children. Looking at this death toll, it would be suffice to say that no form of violence outstrips it, including war.

‘Man-boobs’ can be caused by a hormone imbalance between testosterone and estrogen....

If you are one of those men with large mammary glands, aka man boobs, chances are you could be suffering from a condition known as gynecomastia (remember the name). This is a condition characterized by the development of large mammary glands that lead to breast enlargement in men.

It may not be from easting too much junk, no. Rather, it can come naturally from infanthood when the boy child receives a dose of female hormones from their mother, in other cases, any time from adolescence onwards. Gynecomastia normally occurs when the levels of testosterone drop, but estrogen levels remain the same. This could be as a result of the body not receiving proper nutrition, or when it ages and so on. Just like their opposite numbers’, male breasts can also be asymmetrical.
When these man boobs cause extreme distress, breast reduction surgery is recommended. However, in cases where this condition is caused by poor nutrition (read junk food), testosterone levels can be brought up to normal levels by, you guessed it, improving one’s diet. Guys, cut the junk.

Living an Exciting Life When You Fear Leaving Your Comfort Zone..

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” ~Unknown

 What if you realized on evening of December 31st, that the past 365 days were the best yet? Imagine a single year in which you scare yourself into your deepest fears and face more challenges than you ever had from all the previous years combined?

Moving forward, how would you feel about one-upping that year? Overwhelmed? Anxious? Scattered? Yeah, me too.
This was the question that I asked myself on the last evening of 2013 that left me thinking back on distant memories, adventures, and the beginning of true uncertainty.
The Best Year Yet: 2013.

 I moved from confusion to clarity. What I believed to be important in my life no longer mattered.

 I leaned into what I thought was once impossible due to the laundry list of excuses I had created. Not enough money. No one will go with me. It’s not safe. This isn’t the right time.

 Those were only four of the hundreds of thoughts that swirled through my monkey brain, which was doing its best to protect me, right?

 Some the hard way, others rather easy, but all well worth it.

You’ll never have everything figured out.

Imagine for just a moment that you stopped allowing your excuses to own you. There’s a part of you that wants to embrace change, yet every time you think about going after your vision, you’re dumbfounded with objections.

Unfortunately, the only time that you won’t have an excuse will be when you’re six feet under. The fear that resides within each of us will always create a story; yet, we are the ones with the power to make the decision. Ready. Fire. Aim.


It only takes one second to be courageous.


Think about how long it actually takes to do anything you’ve ever wanted to do? It takes one second to make the decision.
One second to click the submit button. One second to say hello. One second to smile. One second to jump in. One second to leave no chance for regrets. One second to hand over your two week notice. One second to say, “this isn’t working.” One second to believe. One second to choose. One second to play full out. It only takes one second to be courageous.

Befriend uncertainty.


Whether you’re ready for it or not, the unpredictable will show its face. While we have a tendency to negatively associate with the unknown, realize that you can make the empowered decision to accept the reality.

Byron Katie says this best, “When I argue with reality, I lose—but only 100 percent of the time.” Try bringing uncertainty along for the ride. You may notice a greater sense of meaning and fulfillment finding its way into your life.

If it makes you feel safely uncomfortable, please proceed.


If you find yourself in a situation that makes you feel safely anxious, awkward, nervous, and/or uneasy, it very well may be the best thing for you. As Tony Robbins says, “The quality of our lives is directly related to the amount of uncertainty we can live with comfortably.”

 Remember, though, these uncomfortable experiences must also align with your preferences and values. When in doubt, intuitively listen to your soul.

 As you continue to slowly build your uncomfortable muscles, you’ll gain more clarity around what feels right. Each adventure will not only contribute to rapid personal growth, but will also increase your threshold for dealing with such unsettling feelings.

Replace “What will they think of me?”with“What’s really important to me?”


Say hello to your ego. And now, please ask him/her to keep quiet. When we find ourselves in moments where we might be exposed to internal feelings of nervousness, embarrassment, or anxiousness, we usually tend to run the other way.

 Give yourself permission to live uncomfortably. I dare you.



Titanic Story....(Animation)

Joke of the Day!

rain! rain! rain!

“Crying in the rain. No one sees your tears and your pain gets washed away.”

Elizabeth Bourgeret

How to Redefine Yourself by Letting Go of the Past

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” 

~Maya Angelou

 I had buttressed myself with stability and material comforts not because they were the things I truly wanted, but because they were the things that I could hold as evidence that I had survived my tumultuous past and developed into a responsible adult.

  In a culture where addiction and mental illness are stigmatized, I couldn’t bear the fact that those two illnesses, in some ways, shaped the framework through which I viewed the world.

Shame is insidious. It disguises itself as a desire to be a better person, a commitment to moving on. Meanwhile, it burrows deep into your soul and makes a home there until the day that you break open and expose it to the light.

It was heart-wrenching to uncover the truth. I had labeled myself a survivor because I was unwilling to acknowledge the pain that I carried within me. I defined myself by my experiences, and so created a life where every action was driven by my past.

 I had to let go of the lies I told myself in order to become my most authentic self.

 All of my past experiences have certainly contributed to my perception of life, but I know now that those experiences do not have to shape my present.

 I can acknowledge the pain of past experiences while still choosing to experience the present from a place of joy. That choice was made simple by taking just one step: I let go of the labels I had given myself.

 I no longer make decisions out of fear. Rather than analyze every situation through a framework created by years of dysfunctional relationships, I trust my instincts. I take care to notice the stories I tell myself and I consciously choose whether or not to believe them.

 Take a moment to listen to your own narrative. How do you define yourself? Write down a short description of who you are and where you come from. Then, take an honest look at your narrative and decide if that is the person you want to be.


Wednesday 21 May 2014

Illistration of Crazy People ...

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Fitness Wisdom of the Day!

A fit, healthy body—that is the best fashion statement” 

Why Your Problems Are Not Nearly as Permanent as They Seem

“When we…go back into the past and rake up all the troubles we’ve had, we end up reeling and staggering through life. Stability and peace of mind come by living in the moment.” 

~Pam Vredevelt

There is a way in which we tend to view issues in our lives that makes it seem like the issue is a big, scary monster that chases us around everywhere we go.
We have commitment issues. Or we are bad with money. Or we have an eating disorder, we drink too much, or we follow-through too seldom.

We view ourselves and our lives as if they are stable, consistent entities that probably can change, but rarely do. We surely never change without considerable time, money, or effort.

If you’re too loud or not careful enough, the monster will wake up and be right at your back again. So there’s no resting, really. You never get too comfortable. I know I certainly never got too comfortable; always looking over my shoulder for the next time the monster would catch up with me. 

 You hold in the back of your mind the image of that monster waking up and beginning to run after you again.

You Can Only Feel What You Think

Your moment-to-moment experience is a reflection of your moment-to-moment thinking. Said another way, what you feel is only and always what you happen to be (consciously and unconsciously) thinking.

 When the thoughts you are experiencing seem like stable truth, you’re naturally locked into them. You elaborate on them, take them seriously, and inevitably act on them.

There Is No Monster

when you’re not thinking about your monster, your monster does not exist.

When you’re thinking about your commitment phobia, how your parents damaged you for life, how you’re an incurable alcoholic, or how horrible you’ve always been with money, those issues (monsters) are alive for you in that moment.

 It’s not that the monster is asleep, waiting to strike. It’s that the monster literally does not exist.

You see, each moment of your life, you start anew. The inner slate of your mind is wiped clear.

But actually, we have infinite potential for brand new thought, which equals infinite potential for brand new experience. We tend to get more new thought when we know that.

Nothing is actually carried over from the past. Rather you might think right now about the past, but that’s just where your thoughts wandered.

There is no monster. There never was. There’s only what we think, now. And then now. And then now.
Of course, thoughts of our “problems” will drift into our mind. We’re only human.
But because we see that they will also drift right out, there’s no reason to keep constantly looking over our shoulder.

Take Back Control: 4 Toxic Habits to Break

“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” ~Charles C. Noble

  • Classic set of toxic habits consisted of Nail biting, smoking cigarettes, abusing alcohol and drugs.

  • Some behavior patterns that can do equally bad damage to our vital and creative energy, claiming control over our lives and holding us back.

Ignorance is bliss, someone once said. I overstayed my welcome in that state of mind more than once. I thought my bad habits were actually making my life easier, and following the path to personal growth always seemed so cumbersome.

My desire to improve became stronger than my fear of getting out of my comfort zone. I realized that the patterns of my behavior were too destructive and the feeling of comfort and familiarity was just an illusion.

 The first step would be to break a set of toxic habits and take back control.

1.A thirst for approval.

I spent a large part of my life doing things in the hope of getting others’ approval. approval.


2. Sit. Wait. Hope. 

I used to sit and wait and hope that somehow a complicated situation would magically resolve itself. 


3. Super competitive-comparative mode.

Excessive competitiveness brought out the aggressive, rootless, and a little bit obsessive-compulsive part of me


4. Relying too much on other people.

When I wasn’t feeling like doing something, I would pass it over to someone else. And then I would rely on that person to do things for me instead of learning how to solve challenges myself.


When you look at sequoia tree up close, it is so enormous, you feel like an ant before it. But when you step back and see it from a mountaintop, it looks like a tiny match from a matchbox.


The same goes to our daily challenges in life. Up close, they seem so formidable and unsolvable, but that’s only true if we refuse to try.



 We all have unhealthy habits. Identifying them and working to eliminate them can dramatically improve the quality of our life. It may take time to introduce changes, but if you do it mindfully and focus on the benefits, you’ll feel less resistance and a readiness to change for the better.







Tuesday 20 May 2014

In 1955, a thunderstorm in Belgium set off 40,000 pounds of buried explosives left over from WW1

Preparations for the devastating start to the Messines battle slated for June 7, 1917 were already underway, with 21 mines already laid. For some reason though, it was decided to set off only 19 of the mines, with the two remaining dormant well beyond the end of the war.

Some say the British lost details of where they had buried the two mines, something that worried the Belgian authorities. Ten years after World War II (June 17, 1955) one of the two mines exploded unexpectedly following a thunderstorm near a place called Le Pelerin. Electricity in this area had started installation from the ’40 through the ‘50s, and unknowingly, a pylon was erected above the location of the mine. The explosion was set off by lightning that struck the pylon, sparking off the mine underneath.
Fortunately, there were no people within the vicinity, with a cow being the only casualty. The resulting destruction was more extensive though, with a crater being formed in the area.

One woman was so drunk that she handed over a vodka receipt to the police instead of her driver’s license!

An elderly American woman in Massachusetts got so heavily drunk that she is said to have handed the patrol police evidence of her indulgence: rather than produce her driver’s license, she proceeded to hand over a vodka receipt to the man in blue.

Going by reports, Brenda Drinkwater was driving on the wrong side of the road. Another driver followed her and tried to honk and yell at the 60-year-old to no avail. The situation was spotted almost immediately by Arlington Police Chief, Frederick Ryan, who pulled Drinkwater over, only to discover that she was high on something else other than what her name spelled.
The woman was requested for her license and registration documents but she handed the officer a receipt for a purchased bottle of vodka, plus her credit card. Apparently, Drinkwater had been drinking from the opened bottle as she sped on the highway. This was not her first DUI arrest, according to reports which confirmed she was a repeat offender who had been arrested six more times. She was slapped with multiple charges that included driving on the wrong side of the road, reckless driving and drinking from an opened bottle of alcohol whilst driving.

A guy got rejected by 5,000 women on Facebook

After getting 5,000 rejections from women on Facebook, Predrag Jovanovic has to be the biggest romantic loser known on the social networking site.

The Serbian hails from a town near the nation’s capital Belgrade, and he grew so tired of his single status that he couldn’t take any more of it. Given that most women in his town are either married or old enough to be his grandmother, he reckoned the web would offer a more diverse and readily available option. Rather use the proven dating sites, Predrag decided to go with the most populated site on the web that boasts over a billion users, most of them women. He may have had a point given that even if a million of those were eligible and willing, he certainly would not lack.
He set off on playing the numbers game on the site but much to his dismay, he soon realized that this wasn’t such a good idea after all: not one request came bearing good news, everyone rejected him. Of the almost 5,000 requests and messages he sent, most turned him down, with only 15 doing it politely. According to Jovanovic, it is better to get ignored than rejected, and his quest for a female companion carries on. At least he’s getting the responses and taking it in good faith.

A mother gave birth on a tree to avoid crocodiles.

She was 9 months into her pregnancy when Carolina Chirindza’s hometown of Chibure, Mozambique, was hit by widespread flooding. The floods came bearing more than their ruinous destruction: the waters were infested with crocodiles.

With little to no escape routes available to her, Chirindza had no option but to result to her primal instincts: she climbed a tree with little knowledge that she was to stay up there for a whole four days before rescue came along. As if being 9 months pregnant wasn’t enough for her to handle, she was unlucky to bear the agony of childbirth on top of a tree, all by herself.
Fortunately though, mother and newborn daughter were spotted by a South African chopper not long after the baby was born on the fourth day. The infant survived and doctors say she is doing quite well. The unforgettable experience is one Chirindza says is still causing her nightmares.

A man broke into Buckingham Palace twice! He even got to hang out with the Queen!

He may have gone to extraordinary levels to get in but the point is he managed to sneak into Buckingham Palace, not once, but twice! His name is Michael Fagan, now a 64-year-old grandpa

Fagan committed his deeds back in 1982. The first saw him scale a 14-ft wall of Buckingham Palace, topped with barbed wire and clambered up a drainpipe then wandered into the bedroom of her majesty the Queen herself! He gained entry through an unlocked window on the roof and spent the next half hour gobbling munchies in the palace and wandering with no particular intention (oh, save for the time he was looking for the john and all he could see was names of the royals emblazoned on the doors and he had to make do in one of the bins with ‘corgi food’ in them). He later got into Prince Charles’ room and poured himself a drink before he left.
On his second entry, he gained entry into the Queen’s bedroom and went on to speak with her for about 10 minutes, at one point even asking for a cigarette (which he was brought by one a maid) before he was shown the door after security arrived.

love TIGER...

“If we can teach people about wildlife, they will be touched. Share my wildlife with me. Because humans want to save things that they love.”


Steve Irwin


“Tomorrow has not invited you yet, so LIVE for today! Tomorrow is near, yet so far away. Choose this day to smile, laugh, love unconditionally, and be happy within.”

Stephanie Lahart

Kenyan Quote...

God, shield me with your wings.
Happiness is as good as food.


“The human body is the best work of art.”

Monday 19 May 2014

How to Be Okay When You Have More Questions Than Answers

“Sometimes questions are more important than answers.” ~Nancy Willard

Do we romanticize our past? Do we sandpaper out the rough, dark spaces in our memories and label them “the good ‘ole days?” Is that why there is so much longing for simpler times, becauseour present is too overwhelming and difficult, and the future is uncertain and frightening? 

We worship productivity and the pursuit of more. To want anything less would turn us into slackers. It goes against the grain of our culture. 

if we are demonized by our ambitions. We feel the constant need for striving. The call to do more and be more. That we can never be enough. That we can never sit still. We feel compelled to move because if we don’t, we think that we’ll get run over. Then we feel reduced, insignificant.

 We stitch ourselves up every morning, create routines to prop us up, hide behind our busyness. We can’t think on our interior life too much because the act of doing so will force us to become undone.

So we go searching for answers outside of ourselves. We go on spiritual retreats. We take expensive vacations. But we still come home to our old selves.
But where else can we go? What else can we do?

 The answers lie in the questions themselves. You only need to ask the right ones.

1. Allow yourself to feel uneasy.

2. Believe in something larger than yourself.

3. Peel off complexity until you find the core.-It helps to think of yourself as an onion. Keep peeling until you get at the core. This may mean ridding yourself of material things or the beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you.

4. Create a safe space.

 You need a place that is all your own and signifies simplicity. Go to it. Find healing there 










Trusting Yourself to Make Decisions Instead of Always Seeking Advice

“To thine own self be true.” ~William Shakespeare

No one knows the real you but you. Sometimes it is true that we don’t know ourselves. That’s because we have lost ourselves, or maybe because we never knew ourselves to begin with.

  •  I learned not trust my ability to make a good decision because the people in my life did not validate my view of reality

  • When I did make a decision, I got the impression that people are in your life to change your mind, and guilt and shame were good tactics to achieve that.This has made it extremely difficult for me to make and stick to decisions.

 If you think you aren’t qualified to make a good choice then you’re going to be afraid to make any choice.

 People seem to lose respect for people who are wishy-washy and can’t make their own decisions. In other words, people who can’t think for themselves are also people who don’t respect themselves because they don’t respect their own opinions.

  •  It takes a lot of courage to stand up and take personal responsibility for your life and actually “own” your decisions.

  •  I have let others play the scapegoat by allowing them to be my decision makers.

 Ask for advice if you feel you need it, but take it with a grain of salt. In the end, you are the one who needs to live with your decision. The gurus won’t be the one with the consequences of your choice.

  •  Don’t be so afraid of making mistakes. Fear of the choice being “bad” keeps you stuck. Accept that you are human. As far as I know, all humans make mistakes. The only ones that won’t give you grace are the ones that have no grace for themselves. So lighten up a bit.


The KKK adopted a road in Missouri. In response, the state legislature renamed it after Rosa Parks

In 2012, the most notorious white supremacy group, the Ku Klux Klan, decided to take a short hiatus from spreading hate to pen and send an application seeking to fund a one-mile section of Route 515 located in the Appalachian Mountains.

Not everybody welcomed this idea with open arms though. There are those who reasoned that were the Ku Klux Klan to sponsor a highway, the move would grant them the rights to erect road signs hailing their work. The civil rights leaders had to ask the Georgia Department of Transportation to deny the radical group the rights to this.
However, in a similar litigation case involving the KKK and Missouri Department of Transportation in 2005, the latter lost a case in the US Supreme Court following the denial of a highway adoption application from another KKK chapter. The Klan worn the day after arguing that the First Amendment blocked the DOT from denying them an application given that it had disagreed with the political agenda of the organization. However, things took a turn against the KKK following the adoption of the highway, and the Department of Transportation renamed the road after the one civil rights activist, Rosa Parks.

Deer live in such harmony with humans in Nara, Japan that they bow when you give them treats!

The Japanese love their animals, and this is especially the case in Nara where people and deer live in harmony.

Legend has it that when the god named Takemikazuchi arrived from his quarters in Ibaraki to Kasuka Grand Shrine in Nara to serve as the old capital’s protector, and that the deity was sighted on a magic white deer. Ever since, deer around Nara are deemed sacred by the people. In fact, the offense of killing a deer was punishable by death up until the 16th century, with the last recorded case being witnessed in 1637.
It’s not that the deer have any divine status in Japan, but they are designated a national treasure of the country. In the streets of this old capital, chances of bumping into a deer are as high as you would a person. And they do do their part in feeding graceful animals. You’ll encounter numerous vendors and vending machines selling deer crackers. They’ve been exposed to hundreds of years of special treatment, but unlike humans, they deer are so well-mannered and socialized that they will bow (a slight nod of the head) when they are given treats.

A man thought in a coma for 23 years was actually conscious but paralyzed!

Rob Houben was unfortunate to get involved in a car accident when he was 20 years old. The incident was not a good one at all, for it left him completely paralyzed. He never did fall into a coma though, but he was unable to let those around him know about it, however desperately he tried to, so they assumed he was unconscious.

Following a diagnosis by the doctors, they declared him as in a vegetative state. Houben stayed like this for a staggering 23 frigging years, and all he experienced of the outside world was nothing but his small hospital bed. The doctors determined that he was in a vegetative state using the widely used system that evaluates eye movement and motor responses, the Glasgow Coma Scale. The problem is that while his body was functioning like that of a coma patient, his cerebral cortex was functioning normally.
Later, a new brain scan was carried out and it revealed that the man they thought had been in a coma was all too conscious! He can now communicate using a keyboard that responds to the faintest tremors of his right hand. And this is not the only case. According to neurologist Steven Laureys who performed the scan on Houben, 40 percent of patients he has seen and apparently said to be in a coma revealed some level of consciousness.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

When You Still Don’t Know What You Want to Do with Your Life

“If you worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is.”

 The funny thing about life is that it’s set up to always be preparing us for something.

Elementary school gets us ready for junior high school, which prepares us for high school, which prepares us for college, which prepares us for this “real world.” We are set on this path right from the start and told to follow the path to get us to where we need to be.

  • What society doesn’t seem to understand is that humans aren’t designed to stick to one path.
  • Humans are free flowing, always changing, and always moving.
  • Our feelings are ever changing and ever flowing, as are our thoughts, beliefs, interests, and our relationships with others.

 Maybe this is why when we are told to pick a major, a job, or a career, we are ultimately faced with the hardest challenge of our life. We spent our whole lives preparing for this moment, after all. The decided fate of what we will spend our whole lives doing.

 When I was faced with the big decision of picking my major and future career four years ago, I was at a standstill. I had so many interests, how was it possible to pick just one?

 We spend our whole life in preparation. We don’t realize that while we were planning, we were missing out on the important things in life. While we were planning, we were missing out on the opportunities to relax and let the plan come to us.

 We were missing out on valuable time spent living our lives worry-free and stress-free. Nobody needs a plan or a set path to get to where they need to be, because where you need to be is where you already are.

 So take those risks. Venture onto different paths; explore the paths that may seem far-fetched or unrealistic. Travel the world, start a business, do the things that are pulling you toward them.

 I strongly believe everything happens for a reason, and if you have an instinct to do something there is a reason for that feeling.

 When you become confused about life, can’t make a decision, or are anxious about having a plan, take a deep breath and remember that life is a journey, not a destination. There is no plan required in life. The only thing required is to keep an open mind and go with the flow.

 You never know what might hit you when you are relaxed and doing nothing, and what instinct will draw you to your next adventure.

It’s important to have faith in yourself and know that our internal selves are more powerful than we think.
If we can trust ourselves, knowing that we don’t need anything external to give us answers, everything will come together. Remember, you know yourself better than anyone else, even if you don’t think you do.;1620624;;When%20You%20Still%20Don%E2%80%99t%20Know%20What%20You%20Want%20to%20Do%20with%20Your%20Life;4758090

Sunday 4 May 2014

One Simple Thing Anyone Can Do to Have a Better Day By Megna Murali

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” 

~Maya Angelou

 I have realized recently that every small thought, every decision, every step we take has a huge impact on us, and the world around us. 

I have also realized that every interaction is the opportunity to do good and receive good. Whether it is a phone call, a shopping trip, or even considering your fellow travelers when playing music on the train.

Life Lessons on What Really Matters from a Dying Man By Nicky C. Jones

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

You know how you can remember exactly when you found out that Michael Jackson died? I think it’s called flashbulb memory. It’s when something traumatic happens and because of that, you remember everything else that was occurring at the time

We pictured it down to the last very last detail. I would walk down the aisle (barefoot of course) to Bob Marley’s “Turn Your Lights Down Low” and a mariachi band would serenade us at dinner. It gave him hope. And, something positive to think about when the pangs of hunger threatened his usually calm demeanor.

I think of these two things often in my life—that compassion for others and that strong drive to make a difference in the world.

Turns out, when a thirty-one-year old party-boy finds out he’s dying, compassion for others and making a difference is the driving force. And, making the entire recovery room laugh of course.
This is a lesson I’ll never forget. I got my ten more years. And, perhaps you do too.
What can you do today that will make a difference?
How can you have more compassion for others?
How can you bring in laughter?
Perhaps this is what it’s all about.

Thursday 1 May 2014

A ghostly shadow was caught on camera during a soccer match in Bolivia!

There are those who don’t believe in superstition, despite the fact that ghosts and other supernatural beings have been caught on camera for years. It’s true, there are those that can be explained by basic chemistry or physics, but others, well others still remain a mystery to date.

Such is the case of one mysterious happening that has the people of Bolivia wondering what it could be. It happened during a recent (2014) soccer match in the South American country when one of the cameras filming the match got hold of a ghostly shadow which caused panic among those in attendance. The figure was spotted dashing through the stands, gliding past anything in its way, without missing a step or slowing down.
According to the video footage, what looks like a person’s shadow can be seen running on the stands where the fans were sat at a supersonic speed. As is wont with this kind of thing, a section believe the Hernando Siles Stadium in La Paz, the venue of the game, was being haunted. Others who saw it later were of the view that a camera must have malfunctioned. Then there are the more practical ones who believe it was the shadow of one of the players running, and that the camera must have double-exposed him. You can find the footage online, so take a look and try to determine what if this was paranormal activity or something else.

There is a fake village with fake shops and fake restaurants that is actually a care home for elderly dementia sufferers in the Netherlands.

The facility goes by the name Hogeway, but commonly referred to as Dementia Village given that it is home to over 150 residents, all of whom suffer from severe dementia. It started as an experiment 20 years ago, with some criticizing the move. But the end result is amazing nevertheless.

Hogeway offers its patients what you would call a ‘normal’ life, given the circumstances…It comprises of fake restaurants, fake shops, and even a fake hair salon. These businesses are meant to give the patients suffering from dementia the impression that they’re living in a regular town surrounding. Those who work in Dementia Village are actual caregivers though.
There is no way out of Hogeway, save for a door that is always under lock and key, quite literally, with around the clock surveillance. The concept seems to work, as the nurses and doctors who work there have noted that the patients do indeed take fewer medications as compared to those living in the normal world, and tend to be in much better health generally. Other countries around the world are looking to borrow a leaf from Dementia Village so as to provide better care for people suffering from dementia.