Tuesday 20 May 2014

A man broke into Buckingham Palace twice! He even got to hang out with the Queen!

He may have gone to extraordinary levels to get in but the point is he managed to sneak into Buckingham Palace, not once, but twice! His name is Michael Fagan, now a 64-year-old grandpa

Fagan committed his deeds back in 1982. The first saw him scale a 14-ft wall of Buckingham Palace, topped with barbed wire and clambered up a drainpipe then wandered into the bedroom of her majesty the Queen herself! He gained entry through an unlocked window on the roof and spent the next half hour gobbling munchies in the palace and wandering with no particular intention (oh, save for the time he was looking for the john and all he could see was names of the royals emblazoned on the doors and he had to make do in one of the bins with ‘corgi food’ in them). He later got into Prince Charles’ room and poured himself a drink before he left.
On his second entry, he gained entry into the Queen’s bedroom and went on to speak with her for about 10 minutes, at one point even asking for a cigarette (which he was brought by one a maid) before he was shown the door after security arrived.

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