Monday 19 May 2014

How to Be Okay When You Have More Questions Than Answers

“Sometimes questions are more important than answers.” ~Nancy Willard

Do we romanticize our past? Do we sandpaper out the rough, dark spaces in our memories and label them “the good ‘ole days?” Is that why there is so much longing for simpler times, becauseour present is too overwhelming and difficult, and the future is uncertain and frightening? 

We worship productivity and the pursuit of more. To want anything less would turn us into slackers. It goes against the grain of our culture. 

if we are demonized by our ambitions. We feel the constant need for striving. The call to do more and be more. That we can never be enough. That we can never sit still. We feel compelled to move because if we don’t, we think that we’ll get run over. Then we feel reduced, insignificant.

 We stitch ourselves up every morning, create routines to prop us up, hide behind our busyness. We can’t think on our interior life too much because the act of doing so will force us to become undone.

So we go searching for answers outside of ourselves. We go on spiritual retreats. We take expensive vacations. But we still come home to our old selves.
But where else can we go? What else can we do?

 The answers lie in the questions themselves. You only need to ask the right ones.

1. Allow yourself to feel uneasy.

2. Believe in something larger than yourself.

3. Peel off complexity until you find the core.-It helps to think of yourself as an onion. Keep peeling until you get at the core. This may mean ridding yourself of material things or the beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you.

4. Create a safe space.

 You need a place that is all your own and signifies simplicity. Go to it. Find healing there 










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