Saturday 24 May 2014

Letting Go of Yesterday and Using the Gift of the Present - By Aqilah Norazman ....

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.” ~Alice Morse Earle

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.” ~Alice Morse Earle

Did you make a mistake yesterday? Or did something bad happen to you a few weeks ago? Are you still dwelling on it, doing all you can to move on? Then this post is for you.
Why? Because I want you to know that you’re not alone.

just like you, my past wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns. No one in this world has a past that is sparkling clean and error-free. We’ve all made mistakes. That’s life. And that’s what makes us human.

 The clock ticks forward, and soon enough the mistake that you made a second ago is history. It might take days, months, or years to learn and address the consequences of the mistake, but every day forward is an opportunity to make things right.

The clock ticks forward, and soon enough the mistake that you made a second ago is history. It might take days, months, or years to learn and address the consequences of the mistake, but every day forward is an opportunity to make things right.

Worrying about it does not get you anywhere. Thinking about how to learn from the experience and make things better is a good start. But actually doing things to learn from the mistake is the fundamental part of really moving forward.

If you’re having a hard time letting go of yesterday and seizing today, remember:

Yesterday is History

Yesterday is history. It’s done. Record it into your history book and close it.

Tomorrow is a Mystery

Tomorrow is a mystery. It hasn’t happened yet, so don’t sweat the small things. Be kind to yourself; it has the power to make you happy


Today is a Gift

Today is a certain opportunity. You can use it to decide where you want to go in life. If you don’t love what you’re doing, use this opportunity to change something.


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