Thursday 1 May 2014

A ghostly shadow was caught on camera during a soccer match in Bolivia!

There are those who don’t believe in superstition, despite the fact that ghosts and other supernatural beings have been caught on camera for years. It’s true, there are those that can be explained by basic chemistry or physics, but others, well others still remain a mystery to date.

Such is the case of one mysterious happening that has the people of Bolivia wondering what it could be. It happened during a recent (2014) soccer match in the South American country when one of the cameras filming the match got hold of a ghostly shadow which caused panic among those in attendance. The figure was spotted dashing through the stands, gliding past anything in its way, without missing a step or slowing down.
According to the video footage, what looks like a person’s shadow can be seen running on the stands where the fans were sat at a supersonic speed. As is wont with this kind of thing, a section believe the Hernando Siles Stadium in La Paz, the venue of the game, was being haunted. Others who saw it later were of the view that a camera must have malfunctioned. Then there are the more practical ones who believe it was the shadow of one of the players running, and that the camera must have double-exposed him. You can find the footage online, so take a look and try to determine what if this was paranormal activity or something else.

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