Tuesday 6 May 2014

When You Still Don’t Know What You Want to Do with Your Life

“If you worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is.”

 The funny thing about life is that it’s set up to always be preparing us for something.

Elementary school gets us ready for junior high school, which prepares us for high school, which prepares us for college, which prepares us for this “real world.” We are set on this path right from the start and told to follow the path to get us to where we need to be.

  • What society doesn’t seem to understand is that humans aren’t designed to stick to one path.
  • Humans are free flowing, always changing, and always moving.
  • Our feelings are ever changing and ever flowing, as are our thoughts, beliefs, interests, and our relationships with others.

 Maybe this is why when we are told to pick a major, a job, or a career, we are ultimately faced with the hardest challenge of our life. We spent our whole lives preparing for this moment, after all. The decided fate of what we will spend our whole lives doing.

 When I was faced with the big decision of picking my major and future career four years ago, I was at a standstill. I had so many interests, how was it possible to pick just one?

 We spend our whole life in preparation. We don’t realize that while we were planning, we were missing out on the important things in life. While we were planning, we were missing out on the opportunities to relax and let the plan come to us.

 We were missing out on valuable time spent living our lives worry-free and stress-free. Nobody needs a plan or a set path to get to where they need to be, because where you need to be is where you already are.

 So take those risks. Venture onto different paths; explore the paths that may seem far-fetched or unrealistic. Travel the world, start a business, do the things that are pulling you toward them.

 I strongly believe everything happens for a reason, and if you have an instinct to do something there is a reason for that feeling.

 When you become confused about life, can’t make a decision, or are anxious about having a plan, take a deep breath and remember that life is a journey, not a destination. There is no plan required in life. The only thing required is to keep an open mind and go with the flow.

 You never know what might hit you when you are relaxed and doing nothing, and what instinct will draw you to your next adventure.

It’s important to have faith in yourself and know that our internal selves are more powerful than we think.
If we can trust ourselves, knowing that we don’t need anything external to give us answers, everything will come together. Remember, you know yourself better than anyone else, even if you don’t think you do.


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