Sunday 4 May 2014

Life Lessons on What Really Matters from a Dying Man By Nicky C. Jones

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

You know how you can remember exactly when you found out that Michael Jackson died? I think it’s called flashbulb memory. It’s when something traumatic happens and because of that, you remember everything else that was occurring at the time

We pictured it down to the last very last detail. I would walk down the aisle (barefoot of course) to Bob Marley’s “Turn Your Lights Down Low” and a mariachi band would serenade us at dinner. It gave him hope. And, something positive to think about when the pangs of hunger threatened his usually calm demeanor.

I think of these two things often in my life—that compassion for others and that strong drive to make a difference in the world.

Turns out, when a thirty-one-year old party-boy finds out he’s dying, compassion for others and making a difference is the driving force. And, making the entire recovery room laugh of course.
This is a lesson I’ll never forget. I got my ten more years. And, perhaps you do too.
What can you do today that will make a difference?
How can you have more compassion for others?
How can you bring in laughter?
Perhaps this is what it’s all about.

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