Tuesday 20 May 2014

A mother gave birth on a tree to avoid crocodiles.

She was 9 months into her pregnancy when Carolina Chirindza’s hometown of Chibure, Mozambique, was hit by widespread flooding. The floods came bearing more than their ruinous destruction: the waters were infested with crocodiles.

With little to no escape routes available to her, Chirindza had no option but to result to her primal instincts: she climbed a tree with little knowledge that she was to stay up there for a whole four days before rescue came along. As if being 9 months pregnant wasn’t enough for her to handle, she was unlucky to bear the agony of childbirth on top of a tree, all by herself.
Fortunately though, mother and newborn daughter were spotted by a South African chopper not long after the baby was born on the fourth day. The infant survived and doctors say she is doing quite well. The unforgettable experience is one Chirindza says is still causing her nightmares.

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