Tuesday 20 May 2014

One woman was so drunk that she handed over a vodka receipt to the police instead of her driver’s license!

An elderly American woman in Massachusetts got so heavily drunk that she is said to have handed the patrol police evidence of her indulgence: rather than produce her driver’s license, she proceeded to hand over a vodka receipt to the man in blue.

Going by reports, Brenda Drinkwater was driving on the wrong side of the road. Another driver followed her and tried to honk and yell at the 60-year-old to no avail. The situation was spotted almost immediately by Arlington Police Chief, Frederick Ryan, who pulled Drinkwater over, only to discover that she was high on something else other than what her name spelled.
The woman was requested for her license and registration documents but she handed the officer a receipt for a purchased bottle of vodka, plus her credit card. Apparently, Drinkwater had been drinking from the opened bottle as she sped on the highway. This was not her first DUI arrest, according to reports which confirmed she was a repeat offender who had been arrested six more times. She was slapped with multiple charges that included driving on the wrong side of the road, reckless driving and drinking from an opened bottle of alcohol whilst driving.

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