Tuesday 20 May 2014

A guy got rejected by 5,000 women on Facebook

After getting 5,000 rejections from women on Facebook, Predrag Jovanovic has to be the biggest romantic loser known on the social networking site.

The Serbian hails from a town near the nation’s capital Belgrade, and he grew so tired of his single status that he couldn’t take any more of it. Given that most women in his town are either married or old enough to be his grandmother, he reckoned the web would offer a more diverse and readily available option. Rather use the proven dating sites, Predrag decided to go with the most populated site on the web that boasts over a billion users, most of them women. He may have had a point given that even if a million of those were eligible and willing, he certainly would not lack.
He set off on playing the numbers game on the site but much to his dismay, he soon realized that this wasn’t such a good idea after all: not one request came bearing good news, everyone rejected him. Of the almost 5,000 requests and messages he sent, most turned him down, with only 15 doing it politely. According to Jovanovic, it is better to get ignored than rejected, and his quest for a female companion carries on. At least he’s getting the responses and taking it in good faith.

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