Thursday 6 March 2014

A lion’s roar can be heard from five miles away.

The famed ‘King of the Jungle’ (despite the fact that he’s really found in plains and grasslands) is among the most revered and feared animals in Africa. Lions are the only felines that spend their lives in groups, each tasked with their own responsibility.

The male’s responsibility is to protect the pride, and at times has an expansive area of over 100 sq. miles in which he patrols gallantly. The females are the ones who do the hunting, and mind you, the lioness is arguably the most efficient hunter in the animal kingdom (at least among the bigger members of the kingdom Animalia).

That aside, the lion’s roar is one of the most impressive sounds you could hear on the African savannah. It’s true it’s not as common as it used to be years back, and the reason is because of the incessant, mindless poaching acts. Male lions roar to exhibit dominance (show who’s King) as well as a means of wading off rivals and strengthening group bonds. A lion’s roar can be heard 5 miles (8 km) away.

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