Monday 31 March 2014

Being a cat lover could cause mental illness that could lead to suicide

Female cat lovers, this one’s especially for you…A group of researchers from Denmark carried out a study involving over 45,000 women. It found women infected with a parasite called the Toxoplasma gondii are at increased risk of attempting suicide. So, how does this have any semblance to cats?
The parasite is especially found in cat feces, litter boxes, consuming undercooked meat and unwashed vegetables. The study found about a third of the global population is infected with the parasite which resides in brain and muscle cells and symptoms are hard to show.

Those infected with the parasite are at a higher risk of committing suicide as compared to those without. Not only that, it tends to contribute to suicide of a more violent nature: jumping from buildings, cutting or stabbing or shooting, as opposed to suicide of a more serene nature such as drinking oneself to death or popping pills.
It is a situation other researchers from India who concur with the theory call the Crazy Cat Lady Suicide theory. Before you go kicking about your cat tonight, know that you can curb your chances of taking yourself out by handling cat feces with gloves, and even the feline itself, keep the litter box clean and not allowing your cat to eat rodents. If they can’t do the latter then they’re of no much use and should find their way to the dinner table in China, for cat numbers have reached mammoth proportions. Sorry, but that’s the way it is.

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