Wednesday 26 March 2014

Babies tend to cry more in yellow rooms.

The color yellow is often perceived as warm and vibrant. But did you know that it is the most fatiguing color to the eye? That’s right. This is due to the high amount of light that is reflected off it, and using it as a background on your computer, paper or other object can cause eyestrain or even loss of vision in some extreme cases.

It may be bright and warm but ironically, yellow can create feelings of anger and frustration. Tempers are more likely to flare in rooms painted yellow, and this is no different for babies who tend to cry more.
So, what should you paint for a more soothing effect? Carlton Wagner, director of Wagner Institute for Color Research, in Santa Barbara, California, advises for ‘soft, dusty peach, desert rose, greens and even some pale blues’.
Here are some other interesting color tidbits…Blue makes us time-conscious and curbs our appetite, so for those trying to watch their weight, painting the kitchen or dining room blue may be a good idea, maybe equipping your fridge with blue lights. Red, on the other hand, may stimulate more food consumption and you also tend to eat longer. Bright red, especially, makes us enjoy our food more, not to mention losing track of time.

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