Monday 31 March 2014

Most of the successful CEOs are psychopaths

Psychopaths are always painted in bad light, but perhaps being one isn’t bad after all, especially if you’re in the business world. One psychopath expert from the University of British Columbia, Robert Hare, says that psychopaths can turn out to be extremely successful CEOs.
Psychopathy is said to be a blend of multiple individual characteristics such as impulsiveness, manipulation, aggression, glibness, lack of emotion, callousness and irresponsibility. Turns out, these are just the ingredients you need to be an accomplished executive.

Approximately 4 percent of people in the world of business and up to 10 percent of those in the field of financial services are deemed to be psychopathic. The features that make one a psychopath are prevalent among top executives, at least according to an article from 2009 by Pfohl and Cangemi which outlined 7 individuals with leading professions as having the traits. Among this lot were a well-known university professor, a Fortune 500 executive and a venture capitalist.
This is just one example, and numerous studies and books have been written on the subject especially during the past 5 years. The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success authored by Kevin Dutton, for instance, finds that CEOs top the list of most psychopathic persons. Lawyers are second on the list, followed by TV and media personalities, with salesman and surgeon coming in at fourth and fifth respectively

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