Sunday 16 March 2014

Chocolate Milk was originally sold as medicine!

Do you know? a fact

The creator of the recipe you all know as chocolate milk is one Irish physician going by the name Sir Hans Sloane. He conjured the recipe during a travel to Jamaica where he made a trip to in 1687 to attend to the Duke of Albemarle

Unfortunately, the Duke passed away soon after Hans landed, and his sojourn was short-lived, lasting just 15 months. However, his stay bore fruit for he identifies about eight hundred new plant species, and most important of all, the cocoa plant. The natives used to take cocoa with water, a habit Hans found nauseating. He saw more to the drink though, and he decided to find some more meaningful use for it.
Hans experienced his eureka moment when he managed to make a milk concoction out of it. He took back his chocolate milk recipe to England and it was here that it was manufactured and sold as a medicine. Over the years, man has since found more uses for chocolate milk.

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