Saturday 22 March 2014

Peeling Back the Mask: Reconnect With Your Authentic Self...

“You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You can find yourself by coming into the present.” ~Eckhart Tolle  

Life is more than clocking in and out with dead eyes and a slack jaw while counting the milliseconds as they fade toward your Friday night. I’m on this earth to be—not to be someone else for a paycheck.

“No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.” ~The Scarlet Letter

Two psychological terms stand out as they relate to being someone you’re not: cognitive dissonance and the act of compartmentalization

They go together like a cerebral peanut butter and jelly sandwich. To understand our challenges, we must first define them
We can nurture our inner authenticity by being mindful every day

Meditate  :Take a twenty-minute vacation inside your own soul. Be cognizant of what you find

Observe.   : Take a walk and leave your phone at home. Look at everything around you with child’s eyes.

Create       :Doodle something while your coffee brews in the morning. Take a few minutes to write something meaningful and Exercise your mind

Traveling : solo isn’t an escape. It’s a small opportunity to delete distraction

 Lucius Seneca said, “All of your problems are with you.” Running away from them is impossible. But we can, for a time, run away inside our own soul.;613756;;Peeling%20Back%20the%20Mask:%20Reconnect%20With%20Your%20Authentic%20Self;4736890


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