Monday 3 March 2014

Addictions or compulsions come about in our life as an attempt to bring peace to a troubled life. They come in many different forms, but all have the same basic effect, by temporarily helping us to avoid things in our life that we don't want to face. The danger of this of course is that in the long run, it only makes things worse, because not only are the results temporary and increasingly ineffective, but they never ultimately help us to face the real issues, only giving us more struggles to face.
   The obvious answer is to begin the process of facing the issues in our life that we are trying to avoid. Most recovery programs are built around dealing with the many behaviors that drive addictive behavior. It's basically a process of learning to function more effectively in life. Character traits such as insecurities, pride, selfishness, anger, envy and fears all come in many different forms and can wreak havoc on our lives if we let them, but unfortunately are often hard to overcome in our own strength.
   Fortunately, we have a God who not only knows what we need, but promises to change us into a new creation if we trust Him with our life (Rom 6), and the more we begin to trust Him and His ways, the more easily we can receive His truths, and the more willing and able He will be to free us from the many things that have held us captive (Isa 61). It's certainly not an easy path, but far easier than any other, because it leads to a place of healing and restoration (Prov 3:1-8)
   There are three key areas that will help with this process, all of which are very necessary if we truly want to see lasting results.
FIRST, we need to follow after God and His ways wholeheartedly. Partial commitment will only lead to limited results and ultimately more frustration, because in order for us to truly receive the many blessings of God, our hearts need to be in the right place. He knows you better than you realize, and won't waste His time helping someone to improve their life so they can selfishly waste it on themselves. However, if we are honestly serving God with our life, He is ready and willing to adopt us as His children, and bless us as any loving Father would. After all, He's created you for a purpose (Eph 2:10), perfectly creating you for a specific task, but it's up to you to choose who you will live for (Rom 12:1-2), for as long as you follow your own desires, it will lead to death (Rom 8).

SECONDLY, we need to follow God's ways with all of our mind. This involves exchanging the many lies of this world for the truths of God's Word. The world and often even the church has filled our minds with polluted thinking, and it's only the perfect Word of God that will cleanse us (Eph 5:25-26), and help us to properly understand how this world works (2Tim 3:16). From understanding right from wrong, to properly realizing what our role is and how to succeed are all clearly taught and essential to our transformation. In contrast, satan is the father of lies, and a master of using any and all circumstances to plant them deep into our hearts. Such lies will only continue to produce thorns that will do nothing but bring pain to us and those around us. It's only God's truths that will produce the fruits of healing and transformation (Gal 5).

THIRDLY, we need to let God lead us by His Spirit. This aspect is one of the very things that prove whether God really is our Lord and Father. For us to do any less, only proves that we are still the lord of our own life (Rom 8). On top of that, it's the only path to true freedom. God has all the knowledge and ability to lead us out of sin and free from bondage (Psalm 23), but as long as we are calling the shots, He will remain a gentleman and let us continue to run into road blocks until we smarten up. True wisdom begins by us realizing how little we know, and how much we need God's guidance (1Cor 1:18-31). We have a God who knows all, and sees all, that is willing to show us the way. We just need to humble ourselves, and begin to trust that His ways are nothing less than perfect.

   In conclusion, realize that all three of these issues are critically important, and that if even one is lacking, it will lead you off of the path. Commitment, truth, and guidance - together they point the way to a peace that only God can bring, even peace in the midst of a storm. 

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