Thursday 6 March 2014

People with symmetrical faces are viewed as more attractive and healthier..

Facial symmetry is one aspect that researchers have studied in great detail in relation to attractiveness. Over the decades, symmetrical faces have come to be deemed the more attractive by both opposite sexes than their asymmetrical counterparts, and individuals with the former are also more likely to be healthier. Which one are you?

The difference may not be necessary noticeable, though it can be measured by just a few percentage points. According to evolutionary biologist Randy Thornhill of the University of Mexico, good symmetry reveals more than just the attractiveness: it shows one is a good and fertile choice for mating too! These are some of the things your innate self will notice and you may not even be aware of it.
Such were the revelations by Thornhill from a study published in the journal Animal Behavior in ’95 that established women even have more orgasms during sex when they make out with guys who had more symmetrical faces and bodies – their levels of romantic attachment or the man’s sexual experience notwithstanding. Impressive.
So, how does beauty and symmetry correlate? Researcher Daniel Cohen-Or who has designed a beauty machine to manipulate a face and reproduce a better, prettier version, put it this way:
Beauty can be quantified by mathematical measurements and ratios. It can be defined as average distances between features, which a majority of people agree are the most beautiful.’

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