Tuesday 18 March 2014

Dolphins get high by eating Puffer fish.

Here’s another one about dolphins. It was in the documentary titled ‘Dolphins: Spy in the Pod’ that filmmakers at John Downer Productions recorded the finny kind snacking on puffer fish upon which they seemed to enter into some ‘trance-like’ state.

Said exec-producer of the documentary, John Downer:
[They were] hanging around with their noses at the surface as if fascinated by their own reflection. It reminded us of that craze a few years ago when people started licking toads to get a buzz.’
Discover’s Science Sushi blog author, Christie Wilcox, noted that dolphins may be curious creatures, but she found it hard to believe they were chasing the puffer fish for a high. She also noted that if dolphins really wanted to get that high, there were other sea animals that would fit the bill such as sea bream, which people have also engaged recreationally.

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