Tuesday 11 March 2014

Abraham Lincoln is in the wrestling hall of fame!

Abraham Lincoln had a passion for many things. When he was commander-in-chief, for instance, he had this keen interest in the artillery used by his troops during the Civil War. The Great Emancipator attended weapon and cannon tests and met with inventors at the White House demonstrating military prototypes.

Lincoln was not just a freedom fighter, neither was he what you would call WWE material. However, he was endowed with long limbs which made him a good, or rather great, wrestler during his younger days. In about 300 matches, he was defeated just once!
Based on his biography by Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln once challenged a whole crowd of onlookers after seeing off an opponent. ‘I’m the big buck of this lick. If any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns,’ he said. None stepped forth. It was these sorts of enviable exploits that earned him the ‘Outstanding American’ honor in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame.

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