Thursday 27 March 2014

Releasing the Fear That Keeps Us Feeling Unlovable

“Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learn here.” ~Marianne Williamson

On the surface, I walked around like any normal person but actually my world was a reflection of my chronic inner desolation.

“Love heals everything,” she said smilingm as the wind chimes echoed in the breeze. The sound of the river ran endlessly beside the cottage and night-sky seemed as though it had paused time.

The Wake Up Call Grew Louder

 I discovered A Course In Miracles.

1. Love is who we are.

2. It is the ego-mind that separates us from our fundamental nature of love.

This ego-mind creates thoughts of psychological fear in our minds. These differ from thoughts of real fear, which are healthy and natural—for example, when our body senses a threat such as a hungry tiger snarling at us.

3. In our natural state of being, we already are perfect.

We can choose to recognize thoughts of psychological fear as they arise, acknowledge that they are unnatural, and instead, return to our innate being of love.

5. A miracle is a shift in perception from psychological fear to love.

4. We can all choose to see the ego-mind for what it is—a manipulative, clever smoke screen illusion that tricks us into forgetting who we truly are.;2722512;http://tinybuddha

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