Thursday 6 March 2014

Oprah has a fear of gum chewing....

Everyone suffers from one phobia or another, and this is no different for some famous celebrities. There are those who fear simple things while others are a little bit extreme, or rather, way too extreme.

Even the queen of daytime TV herself has a phobia: that of gum chewing. Oprah Winfrey developed her phobia for gum chewing – better known as Chiclephobia – at an early age. Her grandma used to collect gum and keep it in rows on the family cabinet. This sickened Oprah and it led her to develop a fear of gum for the rest of her life.
She is quoted as saying one time that she threw out a plate just because she found a piece of gum on it. She is repelled by gum chewing that the habit is banned at her television studio. Her employees and studio audience know this pretty well and will do nothing to bring her phobia to the fore. Coz Oprah said so!

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