Monday 31 March 2014

The kid from Two and a Half Men left his $350,000 per-week earnings for Jesus

For the vast majority of folks, $350,000 is an unimaginable sum of money to have in cash, let alone earn – and every week at that. Well, not so for some who even forego that kind of weekly wage just because it doesn’t fall in line with their ideals.

The kid from Two and a Half Men, Angus T. Jones, is the character in question, who became the highest paid child actor in 2010 raking in $300k per episode. During his last season, he was earning $350,000 per episode, and twenty-four episodes translate to a whopping $8.4 million. It’s been over a year since he left the CBS sitcom, and he opened up as to the reasons behind it.
Turns out, Christianity was behind it. He said the role he was playing didn’t go down well with his religious values, making negative remarks about the sitcom, saying:
If you watch ‘Two and a Half Men,’ please stop watching [it]…I’m ​on ‘​Two and a Half Men’; I don’t want to be on it.  Please stop watching it. Please stop filling your head with filth.’
He later added:
It was difficult for me to be on the show and be part of something that was making light of topics in our world where there are really problems for a lot of people. I was a paid hypocrite because I wasn’t OK with it and I was still doing it.’
At the moment, Angus attends the Univeristy of Colorado and has fully taken to Christianity, visiting churches across the United States spreading God’s wor

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