Sunday 2 March 2014

A fish called Pacu has a habit of biting off men’s testicles with its human-like teeth

Pacu is a name given to several similar species of omnivorous freshwater fish that are mostly found in South America. Pacu are related to the piranha

The pair have a similar set of teeth but the difference lies in the alignment. Piranha’s are pointed, razor-sharp in a prominent underbit while pacu’s have straighter, squarer teeth resembling a human’s. In the wild, if you are unfortunate you can encounter full grown pacu that can reach up to 55 pounds (25 kg) and 3 feet (0.9 m).
These are the teeth that they use to attack humans underwater and biting off flesh, if you are unlucky – like two gentlemen – your genitals will be cut off. Such was the case of two local men who passed away after the fish castrated them while they were enjoying a swim in a river. They bled to death.

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